
Anxiety Question.. PLEASE HELP!!!?

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Okay so I have struggled with anxiety for over a year now.. I found out in May that I was pregnant. Since then my anxiety has been insane. Before I got pregnant my anxiety was well controlled by medication. So I went off of my medication (Lorazepam) which I was taking 3x daily at 1mg each time. Around 12 or 13 weeks I wasn't eating and had lost about 5 lbs so my doctor put me back on the Lorazepam as she said the risk of being off of it was worse for the baby since I wasn't eating. So I went on it at .5mg up to 3 times daily. My anxiety continued to get worse probably from the hormones and anxiety mixture but they said I could take 1mg twice daily if needed but once I took .75 mg and I felt like the symptoms hit really hard. My anxiety was gone but I was really dizzy and clumsy and had to hold on to something when I walked.. So now I won't take anything more than .5mg. I usually only take .5mg twice a day. Anyways.. Well I feel like I'm at the end of my rope. I'm scared because my symptoms get horrible and my anxiety makes them worse.. and then I freak out.. I have so mean phobias and fears all of a sudden and I'm scared for my baby. Stress isn't good and either is crying every night. Its to the point where I can't work, I cant shower (I have most of my anxiety attacks in the shower and now I am petrified of them), I cant drive unless with somebody and its daylight.. So I was driving home in the dark tonight and freaking out because the depersonalization and derealization kicked in and I was so scared I was dying that it caused an attack. I just don't know what to do.. I mean there are so many things going on.. The embarassing symptoms (weird feelings in my head making me feel like I could pass out, vision problems, numbness and tingling in hands) I just want to get off of the medication, find some cure, and enjoy my pregnancy and then my baby once she comes.. So I guess my quesiton is.. How did you do it? How did you overcome anxiety, if you did, and how did you stay cured? Please help me. I know I would never do anything stupid as suicide is the worse possible solution for any problem.. I just hate feeling this way and its to the point where I want to leave my husband so that he can have a better life than the one he has with me.. I love him to death I just dont know what to do..




  1. I think it's your pregnancy, personally. That is a huge life change, not to mention the havoc that is being wreaked on your hormones. I know my anxiety always hit during major life changes, good or bad.

    Reassure yourself it's temporary. Also remind yourself you are far from nuts and tons of other people are in this situation with you. Also, no matter what happens, you will never go over the edge even though you feel you will. Anxiety is like an lllusion, you feel peril and danger but nothing is there.

    Try the self help methods. Look in bookstores and look online to find one that reputable and sounds like it may work for you and stick with it.

    Derealization can go away just by not thinking about it for some time. Easy concept, but it takes time to learn to forget something.  Just remind yourself that you are in reality and nothing is wrong with your world, it's just the anxiety playing a mind trick on you. Then let yourself experience emotions and live your life from your point of view and not  "thinking about living your life from the narrator's point of view" which happens when you have derealization. It takes time, just remember that.

  2. I have learnt that when my mind races and I start getting anxious that I need to control my breathing

    Take a deep breath...hold it to the count of three..breath out slowly..repeat

    It also helps if i tell myself that i am o.k this is just a phase i am going through and it will pass and that i am safe.

    I have seen a psychologist who was fantastic in helping me to gain control of my thoughts and reducing anxiety.

    I am still on medication, and although I resisted taking it for years have decided that if i have to take a pill for a better quality of life I will do it.

    Anything is better than being incapacitated by fear.

    I haven't been cured as yet but have made the decision to live the happiest life I can despite my limitations.

    I try to watch comedies instead of dramas, listen to beautiful music, anything that brings me comfort and joy.

    I really hope this helps you

  3. i am sorry..God bless you..i am the exact sameway, i am on 4 different meds depression/bipolar & anxiety..i am on xanax for anxiety honestly i don't know the answer...just know u are not alone in thi ssituation i have been like this since age 12 & i am 29..been on disability since age 14..

  4. First: CALM DOWN.

    Second: It's normal to be overanxious during pregnancy. If you were anxious before your pregnancy, drugs aren't going to help: It's best to consult a psychiatrist and ask if there are other alternatives.

    Third: Taking drugs during a pregnancy is as dangerous as being stressed out during a pregnancy. Both can inhibit the fetus's growth. If the medications in the amounts you are taking are not doing anything, you should definitely switch to something else.

    Fourth: Your life is up to you. If you are bothered by life, say, "s***w you, fate, I'm doing things how I want." Overcome your fears and achieve your dreams. It's easier said than done; but once you have, life is much easier. Intelligence and strength are immaterial; in life, everything really depends on willpower. If you have the will to succeed, you will.

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