
Any Easy way to Add/Subtract?

by  |  earlier

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Just any simple way will do.




  1. Multiplying & Dividing negative numbers:

    (negative) x (negative) = positive

    (negative) x (positive) = negative

    (positive) x (negative) = negative

    (negative) / (negative) = positive

    (negative) / (positive) = negative

    (positive) / (negative) = negative

    As for adding & subtracting, that's a little harder to explain quickly.


    -4 + -6 = -10

    (since both are negative, you just add the two numbers)

    -4 + 6 = 2

    (since one is negative and one is positive, you subtract the numbers. Since 6 is larger than 4, the answer gets the same sign as the 6 - in this case, positive.)

    4 + -6 = -2

    (same as the last one, but this time the answer is negative because 6 is negative)


    -4 - (-6) = -4 + 6 = 2

    (two negatives side-by-side is like multiplication - it turns them positive)

    -4 - (6) = -4 + -6 = -10

    (One negative minus one positive is the same as adding two negatives.)

    4 - (-6) = 4 + 6 = 10

    (same concept as first subtraction exampl

  2. Addition     100+50=150

    Subtraction    100-50=50

  3. Say you want to add 100+100=1000. Now this a simpler way to add this drop all zeros add 10+10=100 just place the zero right of the last zero. The same will work with subtraction. Hope this helps.

  4. I think its called the distributive property.

    If u have to add 199=546,

    then just add 540 + 200, which gives u 740 and then add 6 and subtract 1, so answer is 745.

    It seems tricky, but u soon get the hang of it.  

  5. If learning - Same as above, use a number line. Works best.

    If Teaching - Only way i can describe is use an exampe:

    Lets say problem is 4 - 3 = ?

    Have 1 of something one color and 3 of something another color. Put them into a group and ask the question. If you take three away from four, how many do you have

  6. use your fingers

  7. use a number line

    use a thermometer in degrees C  usign positive and negative temperature

    an elevator up and down movement

    think about money

    beign in debt beign negative and positive = havign money in the bank


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