
Any English speakers living in Germany?

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I'm an English teacher living in northern Germany. Each week I put together a list for my classes of mistakes that Germans make in English, so basically "Danglish" mistakes. For example, Germans call a projector a beemer, they say "We meet us" , "a friend of me", and so on. What are some similar mistakes that you've heard? I have been trying to make a new list like this each week to help my students improve their English and have been running low on ideas. Anything new idea would be welcomed!

*Please note that this is a question for fellow teachers or English speakers to help me teach my classes better. I am in no way trying to offend Germans, and have the utmost respect for ttheir language. If this question offends anyone I apologize, that is not my intention.




  1. I am an American dating a lovely German man and everything he says is so sweet but here are a few of his common mistakes,

    right now i go to the fitness. ( I am going to go to the gym)
    You are a safety driver. ( you are a safe driver)
    What do you do now? ( What are you doing?)

    Of course I understand what he says but these are the three that he commonly misuses. Also the one about fitness I hear from many people in germany.

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