
Any Nightwish fans out there?

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What are your opinions of them? Which singer do you favour more with the band, Tarja or Annette?

I know, too many questions but I'm bored, so indulge me.

I love them, and Tarja's [despite her diva attitude] voice kicks Annette's horribly dancing bum.

But that's just me.

Opinions are fun.




  1. I love Nightwish.

    I like both Annette and Tarja, and I don't really prefer one over the other with the band.

  2. Oooh, "opinions are fun..."

    Really, personally, I think operatic vocals should be the LAST thing in metal. Besides rapping.  

  3. Me, Me :-D

    I actually hate A$$nette :-D lmao, Tarja is way way better, I mean jeans skirts and dark tops are ok, but tarja,,,oh man! So long for the gothic s**y dresses!!

    You're right, they suck as dancers lol!!

  4. I like Annette's vocals but....

    havent even really gave Annette a chance. Only heard one song.

    But Nightwish is=Tarja in my opinion. There was something unique about the combo they had. Not to say they aren't all talented in their own, just that uniqueness is gone.

    I've listened to Tarja's solo stuff...naaaa

    unique is gone

  5. i don't know...even though tarja might have been a pain in the butt for the band, i believe that she made the band stand out with her unique voice.

    annette hasn't got a bad voice, but it's hard to follow up tarja, you've gotta admit. plus, she's more generic, and that's hard to take after tarja's operatic vocals.

    that's my honest opinion. only time will tell, after all, if the tarja-era were the golden years or if they're only just getting started.

    in any case, i wish tarja luck with her solo career, and nightwish with the rest of theirs.  

  6. <---------

    Obivously, I'm a big fan. Nightwish is actually my favorite band.

    I don't think a lot of people really give the band a chance .... they listen to "Wish I Had An Angel" or "Amaranth", and go "Wow that's terrible!" I like those songs, yes, but they are definitely not the best.

    I like Anette. I do. I am SO glad that Tuomas didn't just decide to pick a Tarja clone, because the band would have been finished then. Now they can start off in a slightly different direction.

    However, as much as I like Anette, I am a really big Tarja fanatic. I just love songs like "Ghost Love Score", "The Kinslayer", and the live version of "The Phantom of the Opera". I really don't care if she was a diva or not, that voice is amazing. I like her solo stuff a lot as well.

    I can't wait to hear songs that were written especially for Anette's voice. She doesn't deserve all the bashing that she gets and I'm sure if the band had picked someone else, the person would have been equally disliked. Just because I like Tarja doesn't mean I hate Anette.

    But seriously. Apples and oranges, those two. Their voices are nothing alike, I don't know why people compare 'em all the time.

    And I really don't care what the people who think operatic voices and metal don't mix. It's elitism is all, not personal preference. I can't stand growling or screaming but I don't go around advertising it.


    Yeah, I can understand that.

    And hey, at least you don't call her Nettan.

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