
Any advice??? helllllllllp PLEEZZZ!!!!!?

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i really need some good tips or/and advice on hoe to run really fast withour getting all tired in like 1 min. its not long at all ( running distance) my school track & field is happening next week on tuesday, and im doind 100 meter, 200 meter and 400 meter. also, any exercises or stretches to do before i run would be great to!

thanks!! :)




  1. First u need to train ur stamina.

  2. Okay, well, running really fast without "getting all tired" is sort of impossible. But for one minute, you should be able to short-sprint, or a little slower than all-out, run it. You should keep your back straight, lay down on your elbows and toes, and hold it for a minute. Then do interval running. Like run 200m in a jog, then 100m in a sprint, then 300m jog, 100m sprint, 400m jog, 100m sprint, and finish. Then rest for 2 minutes, and go again. It will help your times greatly if you give it your all at practice.

  3. Tony's right about the "without getting all tired" thing. Everyone gets tired, even the best atheletes. I'm in highschool and I do the 100 and 200 as my main events, usually in a meet line up they are pretty far apart,(and the 400 is about 2 events before the 200 meter) so you have time to gain your energy. eat healthy foods, veggies, fruits, some meat, fish. the night before carb up a bit with some pasta for energy. Make sure you're hydrated also.Don't eat too much right before your events either, eat something like a cereal bar. good luck!:-)

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