
Any advise,suggestions or thoughts?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i'm 25 and my fiance is 42, we are trying to get pregnant. In December of 07, I received my first (and only) depo shot. I did not have a period for 3 months. When it was time to go back and get my second shot in March, I decided not to get anymore. In April my cycle came back, so we decided to start trying to get pregnant.

This month I was suppose to start my period on August 20, it hasn't come yet. But around the 14th I did have some spotting that was reddish, brown. (TMI I know sorry) For 2 days, not heavy though, really light.

I have been nauseous, cramping, sore b*****s, headaches, backaches, and I taste metallic in my mouth. I went yesterday to save-A-lot and bought a HPT ( called U check) for $1, and I took it this morning and got a negative result.

So my question is should I get a better HPT? What do you think about my symptoms? And what HPT's worked for you and what didn't?

Thanks and sorry so long. And sorry for posting another "do you think I'm pregnant question" just curious about what you think, cause I can't see the doctor till later this week and its driving me crazy.




  1. The test I used was first response.  It worked pretty well for me.  As for the test you took it doesn't mean that it isn't a good one it just mean that maybe your hormone levels weren't strong enough to register.  I would wait a couple more days to a week the levels will get stronger and should show up on the hpt test.  Even if you have a slight pink line it means you are pregnant, but it is always best to have a test done by your dr.  They can do a blood test which is the most accurate test.  Good Luck !!!!

  2. take a better brand test, those dollar store tests are not good, i heard that one womans tested her tap water and it was positive.

    and maybe a blood tests wouldn't hurt, they are 100% accurate, and you can just go to the lab and find out the results the next day.

    i would do both better brand pregnancy test, for ex. first response or clear blue. and then a blood test just to be sure.

    i think you are pregnant and the light bleeding was probably implantation bleeding.  good luck.

  3. i would think you were pregnant also... i used an EPT test about 3 or 4 days after my missed period and it came out negative so i was really upset and didnt want to test again. well about 3 weeks later i woke up very nauseas and started vomiting so i took another test and sure enough it was positive. your HCG hormone like mine probably just isn't high enough yet. also the spotting sounds like implantation bleeding and you have all the other symptoms.

    this website will tell you all the early signs and what other explanations there could be that you are having them it may help convince you...

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