
Any experiences with Clomid

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My gyno is going to put me on Clomid as hubby and I having trouble conceiving. Any tips or general advice as to what to expect? How long will it take to work?




  1. I was on Clomid 50mg CD 5-9.  I had minor hot flashes, and I was moody at times.  Other than that, no horrible side effects.  We conceived on the second month.  Unfortunately miscarried at 9 weeks.  Blighted Ovum.  I plan on going back on it as soon as I have one normal period.  Lots of luck to you.

  2. I have PCOS and was prescribed Clomid.  I did my first round last month.  I had 3 mature follicles and all my hormone levels were right, but no pregnancy.  So now I'm going for my 2nd round, this time with IUI.  We'll see how it works.  It seems like sometimes it works instantly and then sometimes you just have to wait.  Don't stress about it too much, stress is not good for conception! Good luck!

  3. There was something announced the other day in the news about Clomid - I believe it said that a study was performed and found that it didn't really help.  That said, it did the trick for us.  I am not sure how it's administered today, but when I took it, it was necessary to keep a daily temperature chart to determine when to take it, and when it may have worked.  I felt no different while on Chlomid - if there are side affects, I experienced none.  It took three or four courses of this med to work for me, so don't despair if you see no immediate results.  Relax, be patient, and best wishes to you and your husband.

  4. I spent 6 months on clomid and I'm sorry to say it didn't work for me. I didn't have any change in my follicles what so ever on this drug. All it did was made me very emotional and spotty and had serious weight gain.

    Good Luck though as not all people have the same bad luck as i did, it does actually work for some women.

    Best wishes and baby dust xxxx

  5. Expect headaches and plenty of mood changes. one minute I was so happy joking around and then someone would say something that rubbed me the wrong way i was furious and then the next minute i would be crying. I used clomid 100mg for cd 5-9 and on my 2nd cycle i got pregnant. I am 8 weeks and last week we saw the Heart beat - 156 BPM. For some people it works but for others it does not. GL

  6. I got preg. the 1st round of use with clomid I did not get sick or have any side effects you only take it for 4 to 5 days tops. It will not harm the baby since technically your not preg. when your on the med. that's just FYI a lot of women ask that question in here. My son is 9 months and healthy I also took metformin ( for high blood sugar) at the same time I took Clomid. I'm 15 weeks along now (no clomid) good luck it's a wonderful drug you'll have success soon I'm sure. Also track ovulation very carefully you may ovulate later than day 14 with clomid you release more than 1 egg ( I had 8 confirmed by ultrasound only got 1 baby thank GOD) the more eggs you have the longer they need to mature so ovulation can be delayed I ovulated on cycle day 19 this is common with clomid. Spring the few extra bucks for the digital test the stick lined test are confussing. Just some women miss their ovulation thinking day 14 is the day sometimes it is but test everyday to be sure. Okay I told you everything I know now go forth and multiply. Best wishes and baby dust.

  7. couple months

  8. I was on clomid last month and it didn't work for me. I was on the 50mg. The only side effect I had was a horrible headache. It also  gave me a false positive on my clear blue digital test. It said I was pregnant and then when I had the blood test it was negative.  Just take it at the same time everyday. Like the other ones said it might only take one month to work and it might take more. I am getting ready to go for round two. Hope it works for you. Good luck.

  9. theres no telling how long it will take to work.  i read testimonys online whereby some folks have been on it for 6mths. i ve read also that it is not a miracle drug.  i am on my 2nd round of clomid so im hoping something happens for me this month. after my first month i felt devasted because i figured once i was on it then i would conceive immediately.  my doc told me to try it for 3cycles and if nothing happens then she would put me on somethng else.  But i did ovulate my first month. i had to do a day 21 test. best of luck to u. oh and so far i have had no side effects at all

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