
Any feedback on a poem?

by  |  earlier

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When all is well she is never noticed,

When there is light she is overshadowed,

Only when stained by the dark

Her true beauty is shown

She sacrificed living pure to illuminate the unknown

Ostracized, her soliloquy diminishes our fear

Living only to as a tool to be used

Dying only to be resurrected

To bring forth a greater light

Lunar synchronicity




  1. last line is shoved in just for the heck of gimmick.

    first two lines have no parallelism and thus, don't fit well.

    (light/shadow does not equate to well/notice)

    fourth line is generic

    fifth line can be worded better

    sixth line, clearly just doesnt make sense

    seventh line, is generic

    eighth line is very very generic

    nineth line is somewhat religious =D

    last line is whatever i said before

    (good job? work harder?)

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