
Any freshman advice?

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Any tips for a freshman in high school?




  1. First: What a lot of folks have already said is right, don't freak about upperclassmen and such, that is either just movies (the head in toilet thing doesn't really happen) or else it's just upperclassmen being goofy (like calling you a "punky freshman"). Ignore it and stay focused but also have fun. Above all **explore** what high school offers besides just classes... clubs, activities, career planning, counselling, etc...

    Second: I know you are talking about high school freshmen but I am going to recommend you get a certain textbook for college freshmen. It's not cheap if you buy it new but you can find a used copy somewhere online, just be sure all the pages are there. I would say 80%-90% of the stuff in that book will help in high school too. Read it cover to cover, do all the excercises like it was a self-study course and use what it teaches in school when it makes sense (umm.. not the part about challenging teachers, that is for college only).

    The book is called "Becoming a Master Student" and they have a supplemental website too (see below). Check it out. I promise it will help a lot and worth the investment if you really read it and use it.

  2. Since you do not ask about anything specific I will try to talk about a few things that are typically asked about by freshmen. I'll warn you now, this can get a bit long.

    Do not be afraid of upperclassmen. Upperclassmen will not shove you into a locker, trashcan, toilet, or other undesirable place. In fact, if you get involved, I can guarantee that you will have some upperclassmen friends by the end of the year. We get a bad rap in the movies, but we really aren't mean to the freshmen, we have better things to do than bother you guys :).

    The classes aren't too bad. They vary by teacher, but I am sure you will do fine. The first week is pretty laid back and you'll probably just review. Just do your homework and hand in assignments on time and you'll do fine.

    Never give in to peer pressure and do something you aren't comfortable with to try and fit in, it will backfire anyway. Don't change yourself for anyone else.

    Most importantly get involved! Join a team or a club, or both! Being involved allows you to meet a lot of people that share the same interests as you and make a lot of great friends. Being involved is, in my opinion, the best thing you can do to enjoy your high school years.

    Also if you're worried about getting lost you can always visit the school before the first day and take a walk around and find your classes and your locker. Even if you do get lost, you won't be alone, just about everyone does. There are usually teachers in the halls for the first week to help you find your way, feel free to ask one of them or any other student. Your school may also have an orientation program, if it does you'll get something in the mail about it. At orientation you'll get a tour of the school and advice from upperclassmen.

    Relax, always do your work, get involved, be yourself, and don't forget to have fun! High school is what you make of it. Your 4 years go by so much faster than you think, make the most of them. Best of luck!

  3. Do your homework and just get through high school =)

  4. Stay focused, keep up with your grades,  don't get involved in the nonsense of drama, it will only drag you down. good luck! it goes by faster than you think.  

  5. * don't worry about being lost. they will give you a map, most likely, and there will be adults stationed in the hallways to help. plus, teachers won't count you late the first week.

    * be prepared to be organized and work hard. buy a planner, color code your folders/notebooks, buy note cards for studying. college is not so far away anymore.

    * be friendly. smile a lot, have fun! freshman year is the best.

    * go to dances & football games, you'll remember them forever

    * upperclassmen will mostly ignore you. don't worry about them bullying you or whatever--they could care less.

    basically, be excited! i'm sure you'll have great year. good luck=]]

  6. dont think your the s**+*t cuz you know upper classmen.

    respect upperclassmen

    dont say "you were a freshman once"

    if the upperclassmen are still giing you problems in three months, say "k i can take a few freshman jokes but halfway throught the year, you need new material." and walk away. you will be respected , and feared

  7. Uh sure. Don't freak out. None of the "Seniors are mean to you" thing happens. Just go about your classes. Of course if you get in someone's way who's sophomore or up they'll probably say something like "stupid freshmen" but don't let that get to you. Basically if you just stay focused and do well in your classes you should do fine. Teachers in Freshmen can be either loose or Really Strict. So just do your best. That's all i really have to offer. Hope i helped.
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