
Any good babysitting ideas??

by  |  earlier

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ok, i'm 15 and i'm going to start babysitting. its a 6 year old girl and i've never babysat so i have no clue what to expect. her older brother who is 12 is going to be there too, but their mom doesn't trust him alone with her. what kinds of things could we do?




  1. bring some craft material if you have time to go shopping, and if your mom is willing to buy a couple things. Wal mart sells craft items really cheaply. If you have any toys from long ago that a young girl would like bring those. To occupy the boy ask the parents if they have any movies he and she both like or if they just have any movies you guys could watch. There's always outside games like hide and go seek, tag, capture the flag, hopscotch, duck duck goose, you could also play inside games like board games, if you have any you could bring, that would be good to occupy the boy too. Also make sure you get emergency #s and stuff and know their bedtime, even though you can let them stay up a few minutes later as a secret. Then they'll love you and tell their parents they loved you. Also print some activity pages off the internet for her to do if you get bored.

    P.S. how did you get your babysitting job, I'm looking 4 1?? Could you reply on one of my other ?s ?? THANKS

  2. bored games(age appropriate) drawing, painting. Kids could design and write their own books or comics

  3. you could take them to the pool, play what she wants to, but don't let her take control of you! have fun! best of luck and wishes.

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