
Any good suicide peoms u wrote?

by  |  earlier

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i dont want to steal them, ive been writing some and me and my friend have been getting really into reading them now.

ill admit i am considered a suicide risk, but lately ive been getting alot better. so please no rude comments.




  1. Am I Alone?  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥

    by Megan Hance

    I get a funny feeling,

    it comes from deep inside.

    I get all mad and angry,

    wanting to go and hide.

    My doctor calls it depression,

    my dad says it's just me.

    But the thoughts and feelings,

    no one will ever be able to see.

    Some say I'm psycho,

    some say I'm just weird.

    It's like I'm a different person,

    and the old me just disappeared.

    I get really edgy,

    I want to commit suicide real bad.

    Then I get a headache,

    followed by feeling sad.

    I wish I could get help,

    I wish it would go away.

    Maybe if I keep praying real hard,

    it will some day.

  2. I had suicidal thoughts, but I never made an actual attempt. I hope you will never make any more attempts and I wish you happiness and long life.

    "Surreal Confession"

    Admit it

    Got an inferiority complex

    As big as Woody Allen’s repertoire

    or Moby Dick’s head

    If I’m invited to a party

    I’ll sing my version of

    Lesley Gore’s “It’s Not My Party

    and I’ll cry if I want to

    I’ll head for the food and drinks

    and pray that my trembling hands

    don’t wreck the décor

    If I head for the wall,

    as all wallflowers must

    Because no one can possibly

    want to speak with me

    Because no one can possibly

    like me

    Because I am . . . .*

    And as all good anti semites will tell you

    the Jew is trembling –

    he doesn’t fit in –

    he’s inferior

    the Jew with his Jewish nose

    held high in the air –

    he’s morally superior –

    he doesn’t fit in –

    When the confessional poets

    start confessing and committing suicide

    Oh Lord, I want to be in that number

    Can I top that confession?

    When I was young,

    suicidal fantasies gave great pleasure

    Like the great confessional poet courting death

    Embracing and making love to death

    *alternate version

    Because I am the ultimate, ultra-outcast

    like an unbearable Kafka smirk

    But really I was in love with my suicide note

    Now that’s writing to a captured audience

    This note was my revenge

    and I tirelessly worked, played, imagined

    my revenge fantasy gave great pleasure

    the great sado masochistic thrill of suffering together

    Bound together eternally in suffering – finally famous –

    finally an accomplishment, achievement,

    the goal to end all goals

    So glorious death –

    savoring the taste, the bond, the belief, the relief –

    I’m free finally, but I have enslaved you –

    Finally unforgettable,

    Finally part of the landscape

    Finally part of your life

    If I just dug deep enough

    If I just thought deep enough

    If I could just be profound enough

    If I could get to the core

    If I could go where no one else dared to go

    to find some great, undiscovered, holy truth

    then my true greatness would be discovered

    That eternal outsider, scapegoat, stranger, foreigner

    that Jew was never you, Sylvia Plath

    That Jew, that forever damned wandering Jew,

    wondering, dreaming, that chosen dream -

    I was chosen for greatness,

    that dream doesn’t belong to you, Sylvia Plath

    That superior, inferior Jew -

    forever everyone’s yardstick

    The cry hounding - I’m not like you

    I’m not like you

    Then the cry wailing

    I’m all alone, alone

    Then the cry cut off -

    that’s suicide

    Now it’s your turn to cry

    If I like the magician pulling the rabbit out of the hat

    Could find that great, paradoxical, blinding, mystical truth

    then greatness belongs to me

    and if the rabbit is Alice in Wonderland’s rabbit

    and I fall into a hole

    Lord, Lord remember we were slaves in the land of Pharoah

    And if all is vanity, and this is a sin

    And the blinding light

    And the shadow

    supplies no answer

    (as usual, so don’t be surprised)

    Remember to grab, clutch,

    or even commit a break-in to a theme

    This shall be good

    This too shall pass

    My turn to read the suicide note

    If we can just crack open the safe with the right combination

    Madonna’s kabala notwithstanding

    then the light of truth will pour fourth

    And just like Woody Allen likes nothing more than a good jest with G-d and Death

    so we can drop the old fashioned G-d of the Jews

    and meet the new G-d who is hiding his face

    And if I am ranting and raving like a runaway Jew

    lost and found in the promised homeland

    where else can said Jew continuously bob for the apple

    Let’s go deeper and deeper into the matter

    the crux of the matter

    the cervix of the matter

    if Alice in Wonderland goes down the rabbit hole

    And Jefferson Airplane sings go ask Alice

    who will liberate who

    who is master and who is slave and who will say so

    who will dance the cha-cha all over the world to save the world

    who can make sense from nonsense

    And remember the Day of Atonement

    And remember Kol Nidre’s promise of annulment

    And remember the forgiving G-d

    And remember the precision of the surgical cut or reality hurts

    Gone, going, go

    move, move

    Whether its backwards, forwards, upside down, inside out

    dance to the music of the abyss

    dance to the tune of colossal pillars of mistakes

    And if I took the polygraph test for true confessions

    Would you finally believe me, finally?

    In my distress, I called out to you

    Like some people can’t cry

    Like some people can’t get angry

    Like some people can’t say no

    In my distress, I called out to you

    And upon my soul,

    spiritual person, I am not

    so moving, so heart rending

    I am not

    spellbinding, spellblinding

    tearbinding, tearblinding

    I am not

    I affirm, I am not

    And if you understand

    And if you misunderstand

    what I am

    Remember, Dear Lord,

    Your own advice

    confession is good for the soul

    if the whirlpool, whirlwind sucks you in

    breathe deep

    hold that breath

    but don’t turn blue

    Lord, Lord don’t ask me any more questions

    Explanations just take their toll, their toil

    If I just keep peeling this fruit

    eating this fruit

    let the juice spread, spill

    Have I confessed enough for you, for me

    Lord, You can’t give up on me

    Lord, I can’t give up on you

    why is it so hard to stop writing

    If I stop writing

    will I be abandoned

    If I stop writing

    it’s suicide

    If I stop writing

    this is my suicide note

    If I stop writing . . .

    Pray for me

  3. The problem, you should know

    Is figuring out a way to go

    Explosions are messy and very painful

    Jumping from a cliff to me seems disdainful

    For one thing it may not be high enough

    With twenty-six broken bones that's got to be tough

    Then there's always a pile of meds

    Most likely you'd heave them up on your bed

    Or one could always kiss a train

    But again you gotta consider the awful pain

    Better to just muddle on through

    Who knows what life has in store for you?

    It could be good, it could be bad

    You could be ecstatic, you could be sad

    But the dead know only one thing -

    - and this ain't no jive

    It is definitely better to be alive.

  4. i find suicide poetry to be very cliche.

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