
Any good writers out there?

by Guest57784  |  earlier

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I used to write a lot...and now I'm terrified because I've reached Highschool and suddenly my writing style seems so stupid compared to other top english students. I've always loved writing - it's my passion. But I'm scared I'm not good enough? I've decided to spend the holidays reading and writing - Do you think that's a good idea? Can someone get their writing mojo back if they work at it? I want to do Journalism but the blogs & articles I read by Journalists flow so beautifully - I want to start forming lovely sentences too!

What are some writing tips?




  1. Read a lot and write a lot. The rest of it comes from life experience.

  2. yes

    get a pen and using the pointy bit towards a paper. drag the pen aloing the surface of the paper

  3. There was a period of time (about a year or so) where I couldn't write c**p! But, I kept trying and trying and eventually I got my "mojo" back. A simple case of writer's block.

    A lot of the time, I would take someone else's work and "mimic" it or use it for inspiration. Obviously I kept the stories to myself because that's called plagiarism. But that always has helped me.

    I would also go on "wild random tangents" that a writing teacher once told me about. What I would do was take a peice of paper and just start writing random things...making a huge list of just randomness.

  4. I write too and often lose interest. I can't force myself to write because it never comes out the way I'd like it to be. Nowdays, I just write when I'm in the mood. Sometimes I write everyday, sometimes I write once every 3 months...

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