
Any ideas for my service hours?

by  |  earlier

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hey i have to do 10 hours of community service and it has to be for a non-profit organization. any ideas on what i can do?

would working at an old follks home for no money work?




  1. The "non profit" part isn't about you not earning money (that's the "community service" - if you're being paid for it, it's not volunteering, and not community service; it's work) - it's just to make sure the volunteering you're doing is for a charitable organization.  Most rest homes and assisted living facilities fall under that category.

    Mainly, they want to be sure your volunteering isn't something like "volunteering" to work the cash register at the local convenience store - something someone else would normally be paid to do.  

    If you're interested in working with the elderly, that's a great project.  If you have other passions, there's probably a charity that could use your services in many ways (from being out with the public letting others know about their cause, like handing out fliers or working a booth at a fair, to something that doesn't require you to be outgoing, like helping process mailings, cleaning animal cages, etc.).

  2. Our library appreciates volunteers who can shelve books.

    Our church nursery appreciates an extra pair of hands in the toddler room on Sunday mornings.

    Our animal shelter likes people to come and play with the dogs to help socialize them.

  3. Yes and you may find some new friends there as well.  

    What about a Mother's Against Drunk driving in your local area, perhaps mailing flyers, manning a phone?  

    Volunteering at a local hospital too may be an option.  Are there any facilities near you that are hospice's for clients with AIDS?  

    Is there a local treatment facility for addicts or alcoholics?  

    What about a hotline for suicide or unplanned pregnancy?

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