
Any ideas???????????

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I have to make a little kids book and it cant be about numbers colors or the alphabet any ideas???




  1. Behaviors or feelings could be a good choice. The children can relate to being sad, mad, happy, excited, quiet and loud. Or how should they behave socially. Should we take things away from a friend or ask to share?

  2. It could be a book allin rhyming couplets about

    a trip to the zoo?

    First day at school?

    New sibling being born?

    a disliked dinner?

    new shoes?


    Look around teh room your in a pick out something a child might like.

    I persoanlly liek the rhyming idea.

  3. Write a story about something that has happened in your life or your class - like the first day of preschool and being afraid.  then finding a friend and making a picture for mommy and you couldn't wait to go back the next day.

  4. Think about something that happens daily in young childrens' lives or something that would really interest them!  Some ideas:

    -"All the things in the park"

    - "Having a new baby" (brother or sister)

    - "A trip to the zoo, aquarium or a farm"

    - "The seasons" (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter)

    - "A Box is not just a Box" (Using a box or bathtub and focusing on all the places a child can imagine they are, I.E.- A Box could be a spaceship, a boat or a car, etc.)

    The possibilities are endless!  Hope this helps!  (PS.- You need to think about the targeted age group you are looking at creating the book for- that will help you determine the type of book, size, illustrations and text for the book!)

  5. Animals


    -Farm animals

    -Zoo animals


  6. You can try a differences book about animals, food (fruit, vegetables, etc.), nature, sizes, opposites, rhyming words, etc.

  7. vegetables or fruit

  8. How about a "social story" of some sort? I like to use a social story books regarding something new that is going to happen...for example I've used them for fire drills and specific field trips so the children know what to expect.  Good luck!
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