
Any last minute encouragement?

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im doing my homework any i get distracted help me on that please?




  1. Nope. Being unschooled, I never have any homework to do.

    If you're that easily distracted, get your mum to confiscate all the distractors from your envirobnment and make sure she knows not to give them back until after you've finished your homework!

  2. The only way to get something done efficiently is to have a deadline.

    Set a time to meet a friend to go skateboarding or whatever you like to do. Then go to the library and do your work until then. If you're at the library, you basically have two options. You can study, or you can be bored. It's probably freezing where you are so going outside would be too annoying. As long as you're stuck in the library, you might as well study and get your work done.

  3. Every choice you make is going to echo through your entire life.

    If you choose now to slack off on learning, that decision will effect you next year and the year after and the year after.

    If you choose to focus and work hard, that decision will also effect you next year and the year after and the year after ...

    One of these choices will have a positive outcome and one will have a not-so-positive outcome for you.

    Set yourself up with your own positive rewards system.  Tell yourself something like: "When I finish my school work, I will allow myself an hour on YA" or something like that.  You may want to work on this with your parents.

  4. "There is no motivation without a motive."

    Figure out a motive to finish your homework and focus on that.

  5. hey there, I definitely know what you mean when you say you get distracted easily. The best way to focus on doing your homework is to stay away from the computer (unless you absolutely need to use the internet) and to find a place where you can concentrate. The library is a great place to study, and you don't have to feel isolated because most likely everyone around you will be studying as well. So get inspiration from someone you see who is studying very hard. Also, be sure that you give yourself about 5-10 breaks every hour to stretch or get something to eat. Good luck!

  6. give yourself a reasonable time limit and challenge yourself to complete the task in the given time ....i m sure it will help u in maintaining your intrest in completing your homework

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