
Any one famous in your family?

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Some of you might know him but anyways,my cousin is one of the 3 men to go to the moon.His name is Michael Collins, he's an astronaut.Neil Armstrong and Buzz Ladin walked the moon but my cousin stayed in the capsoul.




  1. This will be a good tidbit for your children one day. I'd collect documents now and make a scrap book, especially those from your family members, not the stuff everyone can get from the internet.

    Since I was alive when they walked on the moon and in school, I found I had to make a scrapbook about the event. My mom kept it and now I have it, articles cut from the newspaper at the time.

    As genealogists we have a lot of people in our trees, including lots of famous and infamous folks.  Too many to mention here.

  2. wow that is really cool

  3. I'm related to John Alden and Priscilla Mullins from the Jamestown colony. I also have a college named after my family.

  4. my mom has a cousin that has worked on broadway for years.

    my cousin on mom's side pitched for the twins.

    and i'm famous on the local race tracks.

  5. I'm related to Oprah in some way... I don't know how though : )

    Answer this please:

  6. That is awesome !  I am distantly related to Carla Bruni <cousins, several times removed. My dad was a pretty good muscisian and

    hes brothers and cousins were in a band for years while i was


    My relative from my maternal side is one of the Cardinals in Rome.

    [a Cardinal can be in line to be chosen as the next Pope] There are

    quite a few musicians and famous singers in our family.

    I sang myself as a teen and in my 20's . My daughter is a muscian

    and singer and a law student at Uni !

    Also when i was young , One uncle won a first prize for his skectch

    out of the entire Country, his artwork was spectacular and his sketching was so fast and accurate it was incredible, he was also a

    great Engeneer, his brother, my other Uncle was a well known

    Actor in Milan. There are more ! ......too much to keep going.

  7. I'm related to George Clooney and David Caruso. Cool ah!!!! :)

  8. No, but since I have a big family I'll never know.  

  9. I have a famous moterbike racer in my family,

    and afew presenters on the radio lol.

    Nothing much but still (:

  10. Mt great uncle was Marco Denevi

    and my mom is the grand daughter of Giuglio Spadoni, who was an opera singer or something

  11. There is a certain president with the same sure name as my family's.

    Also, I'm told my family used to own Mt. Rushmore.

    But alas, I'm still poor...

    Ara, ara.

  12. im related to Angela Lansbury although she doesn't know it

  13. very distantly related to William Travis from the battle of the alamo.

  14. that is awesome!! so you know for a fact its true...LOL cos you know there are people who still think it never happened...nope no famous people in my least not that i know of! lol

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