
Any one have volleyball advice?

by  |  earlier

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Tryouts are sept. 4. I can't go to any camps, because I'm on vacation the days they are avlaible. What should I do? I pratice a ton, and seem to advance, but I need to get good, really good, or I may be the only person I know that doesn't make it! Besides Gina! =] Any thing will be accpected!




  1. You need to start practicing now! One you need to build stamina which you can do by running suicides, which is short sprints to one side of the court to the other(or you can do it on your drive way) You need to practice jumping skills which you can do by jump roping and once get used to jump roping then put weights on your legs and jump. Also do squats and up downs. Up downs are usually done by football players but it helps with fast recoveries when digging the ball. Work out with your arms so you can have nice hard  over hand serves. This is other than your normal practicing that you do with your friends! I hope this helps!

  2. Speaking from a parent's perspective, try to connect with other players and practice your  ball handling skills.  We set up a net in yard for my daughter to serve over.  Be sure to get it the correct height.  This requires several volleyballs and someone to chase them.  Also, lots of jump rope to develop quick feet.  If you can get into a gym, perhaps a boys and girls club or YMCA, have a friend or family member go with you to toss balls for you to hit.  There is also the possibility of private lessons, they can be pricey, but you could share the cost with a teammate. Hope this helps, and have a great season!

  3. hit a mini ball against the wall in your room

    or bump to yourself aginst a wall

    go out to a local tennis court or just a big fence. measure 30 feet from the fence, and try to serve 7'4 feet up the fence

  4. work on over hand serves more especially if this is for highschool. most like spikers and setters. so if you got control of your spiking, thats a greatt way to make it. :) also if you control your serves. the good thing bout me is, everyone serves in the same spot every time. i target a spot and bam new one everytime. haha some times ill serve in the middle or left and unexpectedly like on the fith one to the right. ;)

  5. volleyball is awesome. you have to hit behind the 10 foot line if you want to hit in the back row. you can not go under the net. you can hit the ball with any part of your body. pass by your fourarms and not by your wrist. have strong hands when you set the ball. if you are the setter in the backrow do not jump above the net when you go to the net to set. Serve behind the end line. if you step over the line it will be a foot fault. snap your wrist when you hit the ball. follow throw when you serve and hit. don't jump when you pass or set. hands strong when you block the ball. wear kneepads. wear ankle gards

  6. well first of all foot work is the main thing!!! always watch your stance... bumping is probably the easiest part in volleyball... setting to me will be best for short people... spiking is for people wit alot of muscles and who are tall... blocking is way to hard if u cant touch the top net... jus keep your eye on the ball and nothing should go wrong... and u should always help ur team mates... always practice hard... play hard... and remeber to always have fun!!! good luck!!!

  7. Whenever your not on vacation, maybe just hit the ball around with your friends or something one night. Or, if you are at the beach, they have sand courts. Good luck. If you feel confident in yourself and you know your good enough to make the team you probably don't have to worry about anything!

  8. i would like to start out by:

    - eat. sleep. play. live volleyball!

    i just went to a volleyball camp last thursday/friday. this guy that coached it. alls he did was streeesssed that you are quick on your ffeet. as a team we asked how can we get better? he answered by be able to move for the ball.  he gave us examples of things we are able to do to make us better.

    here are some:

    of couse you can do lots of running! at my school we do these things called 'dots' they arent very fun. but they help. what you do is go on your court find a line and jump with two feet as fast as you can back/forth. side/side. same with one foot. another is to do wall sits. basically go agaisnt a wall and sit as like you are in a chiar. your legs should be in a 90 degree angle. they should kill your legs. as i am a setter, im not sure of your position, set the ball as much as possible. find a wall and do quick little sets. it helps.  if you are a hitter i recommend working on your abs. anything with your abs can increase your hit.

    -- I wish you the best of luck. and keep your head high. never back down. never say i cant!

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