
Any other single mums that homeschool?

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i was just wondering if there were many other young single mums that homeschool either here (uk) or usa... im 25 and my son is 7, i withdrew him from school in november 07...due to many reasons, at first i was very concerned that i would seriously hinder his education, but have since discovered why they call it the 'quiet revolution' son's improvment just in the last few months has amazed also doing a degree so we learn along side together somedays... i found that i can spend time on the things he really finds interesting, and things i would like him to be more aware of (enviromental issue's)... he never learnt to tell the time at school, now he proudly shows off his watch!...his reading has also improved very rapidly.. i was just wondering if there were others out there as i dont hear of many very young single mums doing this..... i believe it is the future of schooling!.... i was only planning to homeschool him a year, but that idea is changing....




  1. I am a single homeschooling mother and my son just had his 8th birthday.  I began homeschooling him in November 2006; he was 6 and had just started 1st grade.  We are able to explore many of his interests.

    I, too, am returning to school via an online course in medical transcription this month.  After I complete this course, I will finish my degree in English and pursue a master's degree.

    I don't fit into the category of young single mother, as I am divorced and old enough to be your mother.  However, our son's are around the same age.

    Barbielady's question about how you are supporting your son while homeschooling is personal and not very polite.  Many assumptions are made about single homeschooling parents.  There are, however, many of us who work in and out side of the home while homeschooling.  If you are interested, there is a list dedicated to those who work (single or married) and homeschool:

    Also, I own and moderate an online yahoo resource list for homeschoolers.  The purpose and focus of the list is to find free and low cost homeschooling resources, along with providing spiritual and emotional support; there are over 130 resource links on the website:

    I, myself, support myself and my son while working from home while I homeschool.  If one keeps up with technology, one can work smarter--not harder.  Homeschoolers are smart, unconventional thinkers, and accomplish great things with their children.  For me, it is all by the grace of God.

    I encourage you to continue homeschooling and returning to school is a great example for your son.

  2. Good for you!!!

    I am not a mum or single but...

    I think studying side by side is great and you will set a good example for your son.

    The link below is for a site maintained by a single homeschooling mom in S. Africa - you may get some inspiration from her site!

  3. I'm a single mom of two. I don't agree with homeschooling for my family, but I do understand that it's a personal choice based upon what's right for each family.

    However, from one single mom to another, who's paying your bills while you're home with your children?????

  4. I homeschooled my son until he was 12.5 years old. At that time, I had a serious medical diagnosis, and he was in the throughs of puberty. So, the timing was good to put him in advanced classes in the public schools.

    But, I will tell you that he got a better education than any of his peers and leads the pack academically to this day. He has scholarships coming out the wazoo.

    The difficulty is in supporting yourself and dealing with know-it-alls who don't know a thing about homeschooling or who think that if you are single you don't have a right to do it. You are correct that homeschooling can dramatically improve a child's academic development.

    I would say that you should get the best support system around you as possible, develop an income that can be earned at home with flexible hours, do what is best for your son regardless of how others homeschool, and keep records that will protect you from ignorant complaints to the authorities. Don't bother messing up the flow of the education by documenting as you go. Just figure out how to create documentation that will pass and get busy-bodies off your back.

    Also, and this is meant to be supportive, please work on your writing skills such as punctuation. Anytime you have to document something, your writing should be as correct and proper as possible so as not to raise suspicions that you cannot provide the best education.

    Single homeschoolers are extremely rare, and I want you to know that it is a very satisfying choice, even as difficult as it is to pull off long term.


  5. You are great!!!

    I'm not a single mom, but me and my husband homeschool our son. He is doing great.

    My husband is the one that does the most part of the job with him, because I have a full time job and I'm going to school myself.

    But let me tell you, what you do is great!!!!

    Kids learn so much at home, much more than if they were to school. My son is 4 and he is starting to read short words, he knows all the ABC's with the right sounds and the numbers till 20 in English and also we are teaching him Spanish since that is my native language.

    Keep the good work!!!!

  6. well hello!!! so nice to meet you.  although i am not a young homeschool single mum, i am a 40 year old widowed homeschool mom of one lovely nine year old!  i took her out for ( i feel confident) the same reasons as you.  :)  we have been having a wonderful time these past months.  the thing i can relate most was Bess'  reaction to homeschool...."mom it feels so lovely to have the time to think".....a better analogy than that i cannot think of.  our cash is tight also, but do not fear.  your efforts shall be greatly rewarded!!!  i am a writer and am working myself with that.  we work together and it is so much fun.  she has been tested as gifted...yet they tried to hold her back in three different grades.  since beginning homeschool she has advanced one grade level in 4 months.   don't give up and don't give in! peace.    ps....sorry for the lousy lupus is acting up in my hands and i have a hard time typing.  :)

  7. I started home schooling  my 9 year old son this past year. My son was put in the wrong special ed program, when I requested he be changed I started having a lot of problems with the school, with my son receiving the lash back for it. As they stated to me "to change your sons class means we loose the 28 thousand we receive from the federal gov't for him being in the class we've placed him."  I fought the school system for several years to no avail. All it did was put him further behind, because he paid the consequences. We are doing 2nd grade math, and 3rd grade in all other subjects. My son would have started in 4th grade this year.

  8. I was a single mom when I started homeschooling my son.  I also worked full time on the midnight shift.  It wasn't easy, but we got through it and at age 16 he graduated from high school.

  9. my neighbor has three children and their little toddlers. she homeschools the oldest one which is in kindergarten. well the little kid is so much more intellegent and has good manners. she asked me "how's ur mom doing" and shes like a little lady.

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