
Any police officers in here.?

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What does it feel like to be disliked only have friends in the force and getting abused every weekend i'd hate that. Waz thinking of joining.




  1. Go ahead join. If your friends don't like it than they are not true friends and you don't need them. My boyfriend is a detective he was a police officer and then a sheriffs deputy. And he has a ton of friends. You will have some outside of your job.

  2. Sorry to pee on your bonfire but I do have friends out of the police and I don't get abused every weekend.

    If anyone disliked me because of what I did for a living then that would be their shortcoming and therefore not worthy to be my friend.

    As for the abuse, let them do it, as soon as they cross the line then they will spend a few hours in the cells and then face the magistrate.

    Its only a small majority of people who dislike the police and who cares?, not me.

  3. The Police is probably one of the cushiest , safest - as in job security - numbers around at the moment - not bad pay - lots of perks..  F - your friends think of You first...  

  4. Think that'ss a bit harsh and a typical stereotype. You tend to find its only the scroats of society that dislike police officers. If your a normal citizen with respect for the law, you will find that they do socialise with police officers. Of course if you get caught speeding you might have a rant about them but at the end of the day they are doing their job and without them this country would be allot more f***ked up than it is already.

  5. Obviously this is just your perception of the police. Most cops have friends who are not cops and likewise most people don't abuse cops on weekends. The vast majority are out for a good time and you have a good laugh with them. The idiots are in a very small minority. I don't mind locking the idiots up at all. They can abuse me all they want because its an accepted part of the job. I generally have the last laugh when I slam the cell door shut!!!

  6. haha, i think they get respect from senior citizens.

    they got a friend in them (8)!

  7. Well, look,  nobody is going to know your a cop unless you tell them. If you go out on weekends unless your working your not gonna be wearing a uniform. So don't sweat it.

  8. You're not thinking of "joining". You are just here to stir the pot.  Bugg off moron. Oh yeah, and I'm OFF this weekend.  Going somewhere with my FRIENDS who are NOT on the force. ROFL

  9. when i went straight i was asked by members of the local constabulary if i would give talks to local kids on the perils of breaking the law etc-it was with these officers (who used to arrest me mind) that freindships lasting to this day (twenty years later) were forged.

    i am a former villain-so to say the police only have freinds in the force is wrong.

    i am living proof of that.

    one of my closest freinds will don his uniform and go on patrol in the city of nottingham tonight to protect people like the asker of this question from thugs who take great pleasure in shoving beer glasses into peoples faces and what is his thanks? he runs the risk of being spat on and abused by idiots who have had one shandy over the top-people who tommorow morning would never dream of doing such a thing when sober.

    he doesn't deserve that.

  10. There are a lot of bogus ones on this site.Do not join

  11. Its not as bad as you think. Not all people hate Police officers.

    I'm coming to the end of the probationary period now and can honestly say I love my job.

    It does get hard when people segrigate you and assume you're a bad person just because you're a Police Officer when all I want to do is help people (hense me joining the force) but overall its so rewarding I wouldn't change it for the world.

    It can be hard when old/long term friends do not wish to know you anymore just because of a career but you come to terms with these things and realise they wern't true friends anyway. It makes you more determined to succeed ofcourse.

    A lot of people do like you though so I try not to let it get me down. I was prepared for this before joining and havn't let it get in my way.

    If people 'abuse' me they get punished just like they would if they punished anybody else. Just because I am a Police Officer does not make me any lower.

    Most Police Officers are great people, I find it a pleasure to work with them.. Its a shame a small group of people are unable to see this.

  12. There is a way to be in the police and not be hated:

    Retain your own personality, and make your own choices.  Most police do this and are decent people.  The minority ruin it for the rest but generally are protected by them.  Work that one out if you can.  Basic tribalism, which has no place in the police.

  13. Why would you want to rattle cages, that cage being your own?  This question smacks of someone that has had their *** handed to them by law enforcement.  Get over it and obey the law t**d.

  14. I think you are over-generalising.  As a civilian I recently had to work with two different Police Officers every day for nine days.  So I met 18 different Police Officers spending 12 hours at a time with them.

    A couple were great.

    The majority were ordinary people doing a job.

    A few were a bit young, gung-ho, but not vindictive.

    A couple would have been no good in a fight.

    One had a real chip on his shoulder and took everything too personal.

    So they were quite a diverse bunch really.  Very difficult to give them a single rating that is supposed to describe them all.

  15. Probably loads of coppers on here they dont do bugger all else !

  16. What you have to realise is that the silent majority are pro police.

    Most of my Friends are not police officers and this make no difference whatsoever. As for working weekends and being abused, no problem, most people are out to have a good time. Its only the idiots that abuse the police, and most of them end up being locked up.

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