
Any resources for cheap psychiatry?

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I am a 23 year old single mom with not much money. I grew up in a severly alcoholic family and am still currently dealing with my drunk father who never wants to grow up. Anyways, all of the hurt and abandoned feelings I had growing up are popping back up in my life now and I have some serious trust issues among others.

I really want to get better for myself and for my daughter but have no money to get the good psychiatry help I need. I have tried Al-Anon but I think I would do better in a one on one session with a psychiatrist. Any suggestions?




  1. If you are a member of a church perhaps your pastor could see about getting you set up with some counseling for free or below cost. I am Catholic and our church offers venues for help for couple and individuals who need it but cannot pay.

  2. Your county mental health department may have services.  You might also want to ask if there is a local group of therapists who do sliding scale fees for some clients.  If the county doesn't have a list, you can call around yourself.  Most therapists do give a break to a few clients.  Another option, which may or may not be useful, is to try your local chapter of the National Alliance for Mental Illness.  I know alcoholism isn't a mental illness, but NAMI might know of some therapists that could help. ???  It's an idea.  Good luck.  You are right to want to deal with this early in your life.

    Not sure this will work in your state, but try googling the abbreviation for your state followed by MFT (marriage and family therapists).  It might bring up the state association which you can drill down into therapists in your area.

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