
Any sleepover ideas?

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I'm hosting a sleepover tomorrow night, and I've just realised- I have nothing fun we can do. I've got some dvds to watch, and popcorn, but that won't last the whole night.Any ideas? Give me anything you've got! Thanx




  1. truth or dare, give each other make overs (you can dress up in cute clothes and do hair and makeup), give each other manicures and pedicures

  2. get some board games out and lay them in eye sight.  let them decide what to do.  also why don't you go ding dong ditching

  3. How about


    Prank Calls

    Pillow Fights

  4. scary movies popcorn, chips adn what is it u girls do? ur hair? nails?

    talk about boys?  

  5. There's a game call "i have never", you have a bowl of cold custard or beans or something and pas it round the circle.

    One person starts with the bowl and says, for example... "i have never had s*x" then pases the bowl on and anybody who has must eat a spoonful from the bowl.

    Then the next person round says something. !  :)

    be prepared to be honest its much better that way.


  6. Truth or dare, crush talk, What would you choose game, Twister, inviting (cough)Ed.(cough couch) soo

  7. I think women have naked tickle least in my head thats what they do ;)  

  8. Pillow fights are always fun...  

  9. What i do is

    1. Greet everyone and tell them where to put there stuff put on some music and talk in til about 5 minutes after everyone arrives.

    2.Play a game we usually play a "trust game" like another person said above me we take 10 small candies or whatever is edible i will start off with i have never kissed a boy (example), then everyone who has eats one of there candies. The person left with the most candies wins!

    3. Light as a feather stiff as a board for this one you get a vounter        (someone that doesn't weight too much) dim the lights and tell the person to lay down then everyone puts there hands under her (at her legs and back) then they chant light as a feather stiff as a board and try to lift her up the results are amazing (note: make sure they aren't squirmy  and there is something soft underneath them.).

    4.By now this is when at my party's we eat pizza then watch a dvd with popcorn YUM! and maybe some skittles pop or smarties what ever floats your boat.

    5. Now everyone if they haven't already changes into there pj's then we set up sleeping bags.

    6. After this we usally do each other's hair and make-up then truth or dare (as the hostess i usally stand up for people who don't want to do a certain dare inless there just being "wimpy" if it's a easy dare like put ur underwear on your head but if it's drink a glass from the toliet bowl i usally stick up for them )Or you could play would you rather

    7.At my sleepover's it would be around 9 or 10 this is when we play spotlight/ capture the flag(in the dark!) or hide in go seek ... now these we play outside.  In the dark ohhh ! scary! for spot light you need a flashlight Everyone hide's and try to get a speacial item that's say at the front door now if your caught with the  spotlight (flashlight) your "out" of the game intil next round who ever get's the flag choses who is "it" next. hide and go seek you should already now if not google it.

    capture the flag you make 2 teams (try to get all the kids in the neighbourhood to play!) take a large yard or field you can play in seperate eveyone in groups of two now everyone has and item as a "flag" We use sweatshirts (they have to be the same two items like u CAN'T use a marker and a baseball .) so the teams seperate the filed and in half and hide there flag on there half then whenever someone on the other team is one your side you tag them and they have to go back when u get the others team flag run back without getting caught and claim victory! we usally play first one to five.

    8. We go inside and chat intil we fall asleep

    9.You wake up eat breakfast go on yahoo answers and pick me as best answer LOL

    PS am going to a sleepover tomorrow LOL

    PPS i just spent 30 minutes writing and correcting this!

    PPPS Add deatails when you finsh reading my entry!

  10. I don't know how old you are but maybe you could play some games or do girly things like face packs and stuff =)

  11. play pranks on little brothers

    dance and sing to music

    play charades

    play man hunt

    prank phone call

    have friend quizzes

    ask fortune tellers online questions

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