
Any special recommendations for Cuzco?

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I'll be there next week. Any special spots to visit not on the tourist list? Any favorite restaurant or shop?




  1. Hi, well, if your heading to Machu Picchu then you have to try out the thermal baths in Aguas Callientes, as for restaurants, try Tito's House.  The food is great. In Cusco, my fave bars were Paddy Flaherty's and Rosie O'Grady's, most restaurants in Cusco have really good food, so no problem there. Have a great time, its a great place.

  2. I can tell you that you should visit the sacred valley and Lake Titticaca as well as Cuzco and  Machuu Pichuu. Just recorded a show about that area from cable, DHDTV. ENJOY!!!

  3. When your there in Cuzco, I recommend going to a tour guide agency called 'Three blind mice' (or something similar) - I remember there owners were Spanish!

    The took us on a 10 day trip into the Amazon, provided excellent cooking, tents when we camped and hotels otherwise - they were safe, friendly and professional.  In the Amazon we saw camen, makaws and even a Jaguar as we were on the boat!  It was my highlight of Peru!

  4. Visit the Plaza and take an old Cuzco tour of the Cathedrals. Absolutely beautiful! There is a ruin outside if you're interested called Sacsayhuaman (just on top of the city, very cheap to get there)

  5. In the evenings take all the flyers from the people trying to hand them out. They get you either free drinks or free entry to the bars. I only ended up paying for a few drinks on a night out!

    Take a walk around the local streets. The central square is a bit of a tourist trap. Look around the side streets for a bargain.

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