
Any women hate feminism?

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I'm female, and I hate feminism.

I'll all for equal rights, I think what the suffragettes did was very important, and had I been around then, I think i would have fought for womens rights.

I dont feel that as a woman I'm discriminated against, and i think feminism just makes people think women are all power-crazy and vicious.

Any women agree with me? Or are you strongly feminist?

Give me your thoughts.




  1. I am a feminist and I'm proud of it. Don't hate feminism, hate the ignorant, negative stereotypes of it perpetrated by people like Rush Limbaugh and our collection of women-hating trolls and one-trick ranters like April on GWS.

  2. I don't agree with your definition of feminism- why has the word become almost an insult?

    Being a feminist doesn't mean you hate men, don't wear bras and use a moon cup- though I'm sure some feminists do all of the above- and some non feminists too-

    I am a feminist as I understand the term which is asking to be recognised as an equal to men and not discriminated against just because my chromosomes aren't mutated!!!!

    Sorry- couldn't resist that one-

    I'm not going to stop calling myself a feminist just because other people have misunderstood the meaning of the word.

  3. Im a feminist, and I don't hate feminism. Why should I ? Thank you for your advice. No amount of effort from your side is going to convince me otherwise.

  4. Do I hate feminism, no.

    Feminism is allowing you to live the life you are living now.     I simply don't understand how women wanting equality could be deemed vicious or power hungry.

    EDIT:  You said "but instead it's a turned into a bunch of power crazed women grabbing at everything."   HOW?  Do you have any examples of this?

  5. Claiming to support equal rights and appreciate the suffragettes seems hypocritical while hating feminism, without which neither would have existed.  That's like saying you love the United States but hate democracy.

    Saying all feminists are power-crazy and vicious is just ignorant.  Feminists are just people.  People who believe women can be whatever they want to be.  Period.  Attaching other agenda to the word is just right wing hate mongering.

    I am strongly feminist.  I am also a girly stay at home mom who gardens, bakes, loves pink and hates bugs.

    Stereotypes are destructive.

  6. my feelings on this current wave of feminism are,at best, described as,mixed and confusing.

  7. I'm not crazy about American feminism. In parts of the world where there is a true patriarchy (places where women can't go outside without a male escort and that sort of thing) I think it would be a good cause to support. But in America, equality under the law has been acheived.

  8. I always thought it DID mean equal rights. That's all I believe in.

  9. I'm a proud feminist, but I hate the way feminism is being construed today. Too many people are unable to separate feminism from opportunism. I've never been discriminated against, either, but what does it matter? Other women have.

  10. As a guy, I think you are correct. I agree with you. I also feel great sympathy for women like you that have to work against the  ill feelings created by feminists. It isn't fair to you at all.

  11. I am not a feminist. I am strong woman. I inherited my strength from  my Grandmother and my Mother, both who were strong women without feminism. I do not need or want special treatment, affirmative action, and neither will my daughter. I have earned what I have gotten in life. I do not like what feminism has done to our society. It has destroyed families, children, women, men, and especially little boys.

  12. I agree. I am still in search of the elusive "sexist man".  lol

    Perhaps he's hiding in the Loch Ness.

  13. You stated that you are all for equal rights; then you don't hate feminism as much as you say; being that you're both on the same page.  I; on the other hand don't believe in equal rights and yes I can say I hate feminism; when you come down to it; it's nothing to fear; at least I see it that way.  Put it this way; with my being a woman; we do not see eye to eye.

  14. Feminism is about power. There is nothing else to it. Feminists, most of whom wish to be men, will actually call a man holding a door for her as chauvenistic. It is a radical cult, and like all cults, it must be watched before it spirals into something equivalent to the 1930 n**i Party. The people back then thought it was about equality. What do you know? The Jews get massacred, blacks and slavs chased out of the country, and the world is at war. Any logical, compassionate person would want to prevent such thing from occurring in the future.

    And no, feminism isn't about equality. That was the feminism long ago, when it was actually needed. A female can get a job if she wants to. She can become a soldier and the tests are lowered to suit her physical needs. If this isn't 'equality' (if not dominance), I don't know what is.

    You look out into the real world, and you'll see how quick men are labeled as sexist, but women, seldom. This is disaster in your front of your very own eyes. It is up to us, as sane people of the world, to stop this radical group before it grows into a sole ideological affiliation. The Jews are being discriminated against. Blacks, whites, males, females, etc ect. The list can go on. Do we have radical groups for each of these categories listed on the Yellow Pages? No, I didn't think so. It is a hard world out there, where someone will pick on you because your different. It is the job of an adult to get on with life, not to spread malicious ideologies about the opposite gender; sustaining themselves on the cries of men.

  15. I am proud to be a feminist and proud of what the women before me did so I could make the life choices I do now freely

  16. So because your world is ok and shouldn't help other women who are still property?

    Sounds rather selfish to me, sounds like you need to step out of  your little happy bubble and look at others.... but if thats your thing go for it.

  17. i hate feminism


  18. You must be living in an alternate reality if you equate feminism with 'power-crazy,' 'vicious' people.  Feminism means that you believe in equal rights for women.

  19. Feminism is ALL about power. Women have more legal power than men. Especially when it comes to reproductive rights.

    Feminism is not about equality today, its about POWER. Feminist like to point to the dictionary when people complain about feminism, BUT its the same as pointing to the dictionary when I call someone g*y. Come on....

    I have the biggest issue with reproductive rights... mainly because the argument behind it is so hypocritical....

    "Its a woman's body and no one has the right to tell her what to do with it".

    --If that is how feminists feel, then WHY are they NOT fighting to legalize illegal drugs and Prostitution? Those laws TELL women what they CAN and CANNOT do with their bodies also...

    Like I said... its about POWER.

  20. Most of the "women" here on GWS who claim to hate feminism are actually men.

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