
Anybody dont have a car

by Guest60194  |  earlier

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am i the only person in the world who's family doesn't have a car i ant tell u how embarrassing it is when people see me getting out of a cab everywhere its hard enough just being a teenager. but on top of that not having anything makes it 648,498,390 times worst

I am 17 my mdoesn'tsnt and never had a neither does my dad so i dont know how to drive and never gonna learn without a car

I'm supposed to be taking drivers ed but wont i hav to practice driving at home to pass drivers ed help ppl




  1. save enough of your money then that way u could by your own car. and for da practice driving  u could ask a familya member to teach you that way when u do take drivers ed you'll be ready.  

  2. ask your friends

  3. you are not the only person without a car, maybe a friend will be kind enough to help u out with the driving practice.

  4. How unusual! Find a good friend to lend you their car and pay for the gas. Don't worry about it ;)

  5. TRISHY stop being a spoiled brat there are children living in countries that don't have SHOES.............HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. You want a car?  GET A JOB!

  7. Hey, you'll get through it!  Try and look on the bright side... you don't have to worry about who will drive... you or your boy friend. LOL.  Anyway, I'm sure it's tough not having a car... do you have 21 year old friends that would let you drive their car with them?  Driving isn't the only great thing in life... I'm sure there could be worse things that could happen to you.  

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