
Anybody have any freaky ghost experiences?

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Anyone done a ouija board that scared you to death? Anyone seen any ghosts or spirits? Hmm.. i'm home alone, got some popcorn and bored outta my head.. woo! :L xx




  1. Hm, person with the girls and the plague, thats what ring around the rosey is about,the black plauge.


    when i was around... 2-3 i  used to see my aunt who passed when she was 13, she's always around.

    anways one day i was at her house. (i wasn't born when she died, and my dad was only like 11..)

    and i was playing with her sister, and she's like

    "Come on Aliy, lets go downstairs."

    and i looked at a rocking chair in the corner of the room and was like. "can the lady in white come too?"

    and my aunt's like

    "what lady in white?"

    so i point to the chair and was like "that one,"

    and my aunt grabbed me and was like "alright lets go!"

    i still remember that too, i remember seeing her on the chair.

    another time, i was at my house.

    and i was watching tv. and i turn to my grandma and was like "why is there a lady in white sitting on the stairs?" and i pointed towards the stairs (which you could see from the couchs) and my grandma's like "oh thats Lily," i remember that too,

    theres so many lily storys, like 13. xD its weird.

  2. I was about 10 years old, or so.  That night, I was sleeping on the bottom level of our 3-story condo in La Jolla, with my grandparents.  I was on the floor in a sleeping bag, and they were in a pull-out bed next to me.

    I woke up in the middle of the night, and noticed the door to the stairway was wide open.  I stared for a moment, and decided to leave it open.  Just as I began to doze off, I was startled by what looked like someone coming down the stairs.  I looked over to check it out, and couldn't believe what I saw.  It appeared to be a man's spirit, running down the stairway.  He was solid white, glowing faintly in the dark, and was without any features.  In awe, I laid there, frozen, watching as a "man of white light" barreled down the stairs silently.  As he neared the dead-end at the bottom, the man didn't slow his pace - instead, he charged ahead, vanishing through a wall.  I knew that I had just seen something very unusual.  I wondered, had I really just witnessed a real ghost?  I pulled the blankets over my head, and fell asleep.

    The next morning, I woke up and asked my parents what the flip they thought it was.  Of course, my mom assured me that it was only grandma coming back from the upstairs bathroom.  I told her that it couldn't have been, because the person I saw didn't even come into our room.  I was also pretty sure my grandma didn't glow-in-the-dark.

  3. My serious Bff , her mom and her believe in ghosts. I sorta do to. her mom has very good TRUE stories that happened to her before! I will tell you 2.

    Number 1

    When my friends mom was a teen she went over for a HUGE sleepover party with all the girls in middle school. In a HUGE mansion. So they played with the quiji  board. It was one of those creepy wooded ones. So they got in touch with a little girl their age. her name was Hannah. They where just talking and all of a sudden she said goodbye. then a little later Hannah came back. they asked her what was wrong she said "I am scared!" They asked why she was scared. She said "Bill is here! Bill is raw!" They looked that up in a dictionary and it means horrible a long time ago. They also looked up hannah (and her last name I forgot) and she was a real girl that died a long time ago as a child!

    Number 2.

    So my friends mom was over at her aunts house and she was going to spend the night there. she had to spend the night in the creepy room at the top. when she was in there she saw MANY stuff bunnies up there. LATER THAT NIGHT

    She woke up. She saw a a black scraggly bunny on the rocking horse. back and forth it went. she blinked. It was gone. she blinked. It was on  the floor. she blinked. it was gone. she blinked. it was on the foot of her bed. she blinked. it was gone. she blinked. it was on her torso.  Then she kept her eyes closed and tried to sleep and she did. The next morning she told everyone. They said her cousin was a foot ball player and he was terrified of that room. he had to stay in that room every time he came over because he moved out the the house and they made it "the bunny room" when he was at college. His sister would have to stay in the room until he fell asleep because of the bunny under his bed.

  4. When I was about 5 years old I remember playing the Ouija board in an old cemetery in Mexico with my older cousins. It was so scarry! Our cousin had passed away and his sister was really into that scary stuff and she was trying to contact him. I remember she asked who else was going to die and I think she said a freind of hers i dont think it happened tho. But very scarry.

    Also my mom tells the story of when we used to live in a very old victorian house in Merced, CA. She woke up one night to see my crib floating out the door!!! She swears on everything that this is true and I do belive her. Also when I was about 2 years old I somehow got out of the house and walked about 3 blocks she says that a neighboor recognized me and told her that i was walking with one hand up as if someone was walking with me and I was holding someones hand, but no one was there. Freaky hu ?  

  5. just happened a few days ago I was lazing in bed and got up because i could not sleep when i herd two little girls giggling then at the foot of my bed where two twins i asked them how they got in but all the said was lets play and started singing ring around the rosie and when they got to ashes ashes their faces turned blackish spots like the boubonic plauge they where wearing old fashon dresses and u could hear a man say u little bratz playing while u have a sickness while lets take care of u and u hear gun shots and th little girls stand up covered in blood and walk away bleeding.

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