
Anybody have weird family members??

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Anybody have weird family members??




  1. yeah we all do .. LOL and infact WE may be considered weird by other family members......

    BUT i must say ... that I do not consider my Brother's_in_law wife ( ie my husband's brother's wife) to be ANY RELATION to me whatso ever....

  2. No, but all the rest of my family do.

  3. LOL EVERYONE has weird family members. Some weirder than others, but that's part and parcel of being a family ;)

  4. I guess I have to raise my hand here. I'm the weird one in the family.


  5. I do picnics in cemeteries.  My kids played while I looked for tombstones/ dead relatives. Their friends thought it very weird, but my kids figured it as just mom's thing.

    Weird is just an opinion. Most of the people in the genealogy section (experienced ones) do the same kind of things that I do.

  6. Anyone not have weird family members?

  7. my sons call my sister aunt scary mary.

  8. Yes my Aunties a nutter, she hasn't spoken to us proply in several years shes done it before too when she wasnt made godmother of my brother.

  9. Yes, I have some that have mental illness. I have a mother-in-law who is a Jehovah's Witness & changes things according to what she wants all the time. She didn't come to my wedding cause she thought there would be alcohol at the party. After that she went to her other kids wedding & the had become alcohol's by then but that was OK. She doesn't talk to her daughter & didn't go to her wedding because the daughter became a born again christian. We have several Jehovah Witnesses & my mother in law favors those grandchildren. I have a brother in law who is so loud that when he was a block away & had arrived at the hotel for the one wedding I was woke up in my hotel room from his loudness. There is other stuff but I'll just say they are a weird bunch.

  10. yes don't we all.....?

  11. I have a first cousin who was sentenced to life in prison for being a serial murderer....does that count?

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