
Anybody know about planet x?

by Guest59583  |  earlier

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iam looking for stuff about it. not that iam a mental case i think it is interesting.




  1. *laughing*

    Planet X is a fictional planet!

  2. i heard tis the 10th panet i think.idk if its true.i think its supposed to be far away.why would you be a nut case?i hate preconcieved notions,just becasue soemoen ahs a question that dares to be othe than the normal,he is nuts?so not true.

    hope this was helpful.

  3. The name "planet x" has been given to any planet that is suspected or shown to exist, but has not yet been given a serial number or name.  By serious astronomers, that is.

    The supposed planet X that is predicted to enter the inner solar system and do a lot of damage in 2012 is complete nonsense.  The arrival of this planet was predicted for 2003 by a woman who claims to be in telepathic contact with aliens on Zeta Reticuli. There is a site called "zetatalk" with a lot of her drivellings on it. If you search the word you will also find postings or blogs from disgruntled ex-followers of hers.  

    Well it's pretty clear that it didn't arrive.  So the frauds and fools who promote the 2012 hoax have put this nonsense on the 2012 bandwagon.    

    Originally planet X was not the same thing as Nibiru.  Nibiru  was the invention of a fraudulent scholar called Zecharia Sitchin based on the old Babylonian name for the planet we call Jupiter.  He claimed that this planet has a 3600 year orbit round the Sun and is inhabited by beings who invaded Earth when the planet was nearby, enslaving humans to mine gold for them. This is supposed to happen again soon.  Now the old Babylonians and Assyrians kept pretty good records and there is no mention of that in their time, around 1600BC.  That's the story as I understand it, others may have a different version.

    It seems that the late Z. Sitchin disagreed with the planet X loony, but the hoaxers ignore that and seem to assume that Nibiru and planet X are the same thing.  Perhaps two invading planets coming in the same decade are one too many for even the most credulous to swallow.

    Some idiots say that the reason that astronomers have not seen these approaching planets of doom is that they are coming from the south.  The fact that there are large astronomical telescopes in Australia, Chile, New Zealand and South Africa is something they would prefer to ignore, I expect.

    Psychologists and psychiatrists could be having a wonderful time with this but as far as I know they have ignored or know nothing of the whole slew of superstition and fraud.    

  4. After Neptune had been discovered, measurements of its orbit seemed to show that its position couldn't be fully explained by the influence of the other 7 planets.

    A popular theory was that there was a ninth unknown planet out there which was pulling on Neptune. The planet was given the name Planet X because it was unknown. A huge search was carried out, and Pluto was found, but that didn't explain it, because Pluto, although called a planet at the time, was far too small to have caused the effect. The search continued for many years for Planet X.

    Eventually, the space craft Voyager 2 reached Neptune and carried out some precise measurements of Neptune's position and orbit. It was found that the original calculations had been in error and there was no outside influence, so Planet X was quietly forgotten.

  5. I think it exists in terms that it is there. Apparently gravity effects dictate that it exists. The nasa site said that they had found the tenth planet.

  6. planet x is classified.

    i should know... i'm living on it.

  7. NASA has said it is now real just go to WWW.NASA.GOV

  8. If you mean the supposed "planet x" aka "nibiru", then you are wasting your time because its fake... and if you think its real, then you are a mental case.

    How many times do I have to explain this? "The term isn't "the planet x" its "a planet x". The term "planet x" was picked up a couple hundred years ago to describe planets astronomers knew existed, but they hadn't found them yet. Neptune was a planet x, as well as Pluto.

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