
Anyone Help ? Calais to Paris?

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I'm planning on going to Calais, spending a day or two there before making my way to Paris. I'm wondering if anyone can give me advise on the best way to travel from Calais to Paris... possibly the cheapest way? And how long it would take?





  1. i just did this trip about a month ago.  The best way to get from calais to paris is by train.  The trip isn't that long...about two and a half hours.  you also cannot travel directly, you need to go through lille. It is about an hour to lille and then another hour and a half to paris.  If you have a eurail pass, then it will not cost you anything, but if you are paying then it is about 37 euros.  If you need any more information, check out

    have fun!

  2. Train is by far the easiest.

  3. The easiest is by train.Calais to paris nord.

  4. its a while since i did that trip but it took about 2 hours i think and about 30 something euros, there were buses but not as eficient

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