
Anyone Read The Book Twilight?

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twilight by Stephanie Meyer has to be the best book EVER!

i havent finished it yet as my mum is reading it at the same time as me from the same book and take sit with her. lol. but ive had it about 3 days and im already more than half way throguh. i would have finished it all in one day if i had it myself! lol.

i cnat wait till the movie is out!

it seems realy awsome ive seen the trailers. the cast is amazing and fits the person int he book.

but i imagend endward to look a bit diffrent but thats okay!

give me your pov on the book.


p.s if you havent read it. DO IT!





  1. Yes and I loved it!

    I wouldn't say it was the best book ever, but it's definitely in my top 5!

  2. There's about a million other questions on this. I suggest you take you bad spelling and lack of punctuation over to them.

  3. You should ask a question more like, "Who HASN'T read Twilight?" lol.

  4. i've been living under a rock for a century..oh wait..i think i saw an ant crawl down and it was carrying a twilight says it's been @ barnes and nobles for like a half a get the book about only the HOTTEST vampire in town ( don't know what that would mean to an ant but hey...the ant said it heard from the "ant-vine" that it was absolutely kick ***...) The ant just arrived today i'll have to ask it how's the book once it starts reading.. but really --i can't wait for like a century for it to finish a chapter...ehhehe

  5. OME (oh my edward)

    I love Twilight!!!

    currently I'm going through all of yahoo answers and answering everything about Twilight I can, I've read all of them and I love them all to pieces!!!!

    My favorite character is Edward of course!

    I read Twilight in one day.

  6. I agree with everyone else xD Who hasn't read Twilight? And yeah, it's an amazing book. And when you get to the endish of you, you guys will DEFINITELY want a seperate book so that when you squeal, it won't be as akward :]

  7. I love the book. But I'm not as obsessive of it as I have seen of people. I hate my lap top. Youtube doesn't work on it. I really want to see the trailers. Soo annoying. I think Robert Pattinson is the Most lucious guy on this planet and they could have choosen anyone better. Hes the type of guy that' I'd like to stop my heart from beating.  

  8. I love the book. The whole saga is amazing. I love the fact that there is always a character we can relate to. When I read, it's almost asa if I am there with them. SMeyer gives each character a personality and purpose in her story and I love the romance and friendship it shows.

    It's really great and I can't wait for the movie!

  9. Ive just read forth one and love them all :)

    personally though i find bella annoying  

  10. Read 1,2 and 3

    leave breaking dawn out

  11. Um, dude,


    Gosh, even the animals have read it lol.

  12. Yes, I've read it. A friend has borrowed some of the series. But remember this, there is life after Twilight. When you have read it, ut it down and read something else whilst waiting for the film to be released

  13. no sry

  14. What do you mean, anyone read the book twilight? The whole of the Arts and Humanities section of Y!A is full of it! I love twilight, it rocks. I love all of the sequels too. New Moon, Eclipse and I'm reading Breaking Dawn now and it rocks!

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