
Anyone else disturbed by this website?

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I knew they were out there, but just came across this one. The listing of a baby, followed by a price. Seems to be almost everything that is wrong with adoption spelled right out.




  1. YUCK!!!  This should be a crime if it is not...  This seems like the most shameful example of humankind that I think I have seen in a long time...  The only positive thing I can see is that these children will not be kept by someone who saw them as a cash-cow....

    I can't imagine being an adoptive parent that would lose all sense of morality and come to some point in time where this seemed like a good thing to do....

    These poor little babies!

    ....on a side note there was recent conversation about profiles and internet sites with older--waiting--special needs foster children... To me there is a huge difference between reminding the public about the kids waiting and marketing infants on an ebay style format......


  2. That is really really really really really.....wrong. They look like trade-me or ebay adds. that is really horrible!!! they even have the "race" of the child. God almighty have we gone back in time or something. They are selling these children like second hand cars.


  3. How  very, very sad........

  4. Yes, but on the other side, these babies were born and not aborted.  And if there weren't so many people desperate to offer a home to a child, such "businesses" would not survive.  As sad as this situation is, it could always be much worse.

  5. Ill can't describe it.  It is like the illegal baby brokers we have all heard about have a website.

  6. wow...that's just wrong in every sense of the word...who else wants to call adoption wise.....34,000.....this baby is up for this even legal...if so...what's wrong with ppl

  7. well I guess I wil play on the bad side of this discussion. First off I am adopted and I did look at that site. i honestly would feel better about my adoption if I knew my biologicla parents got alot of money for me. Though I would never do that to my child or ddo I think it shoudl be legal atleast the kids are doing something instead of causing problems for people which is all adoption kids are good at ask my adoptive or foster or biological parents.

  8. How is this done?  HOW????  How do they get away with this?  It HAS to be illegal.

  9. OMG. There was one woman on there who had a one night stand and was selling her baby for 34k!!! This was the fourth baby she had put up fo adoption and the father was a one night stand. Seems like she is in the business of doing it and doing it to make money! My god, I feel sick. There should be laws or something against this.

  10. That is absolutely atrocious! How can that be legal?

  11. sometimes I think that's all we adoptees were to the adults involved...a gucci bag or Prada shoes...something to complete the pretty little picture. don't get me started!

  12. Holy's like ebay for babies.

    I feel dirty...yuck!

    It's ironic that organizations like PETA fight close down puppy mills but nobody cares about something like's disgraceful! Apparently it is still legal to buy and sell human beings in the United States. Oh God this make me so utterly sad.

    Why is it okay to turn a blind eye to this???? What is law enforcement doing about situations like this?

  13. i'll momentary suspend my YA protest to comment on this c**p...

    reminds me of slave auction advertising... EOM

    ETA: oh...gersh said that already.

  14. yes very disturbed

  15. OMG this is VERY disturbing.  i am actually a bit freaked out.  i was adopted and this website gives me chills.

  16. That is just a vile and sick website. I just keep getting visions of the bargin corner. Not nice, not professional and most importantly........not in the childs best interests. Poor little love. :(

  17. i have seen these web sites... this is just wrong....

  18. I think that this is actually a good website.....If you look, there are many topics about adoption, very comprehensive and informative -- all from people's own experiences.

    While I do agree that stating a fee as a Topic is not necessary, the headline is "Situations under $15,000", not a listing for a baby followed by a price.  Since some of these situations involve older children or special needs adoptions, I see nothing wrong per se with posting an adoption fee to encourage people to read the post.  Better than not posting a fee and having it buried in the small print!  Disagree with you here.

  19. very disturbing.  I wonder how all this is going to affect those children later when they find out about being sold!!

    No, it's not legal at all.  Kid's aren't born with a price tag affixed to their toe and the fact people could look at a baby and say "I love you $$ worth to give you away" like they would sell a used car is completely nauseating!

  20. i don't understand why anybody wouldn't be disturbed by this website. i mean its one thing to sell an animal. but thats a child.... just ridiculous... and the people who buy the children are just enabling that kind of thing to continue. ridiculous.

  21. Unbelievable. Awful.

  22. Any woman who could be so heartless as to put money before their child and so coldheartedly get pregnant for the express purpose of selling their child should be made permanently sterile .It makes me sick to think of the types of people who would actually buy these babies and think of them in monetary value and not as a person in their own right.What more can be said.

  23. Omg that's so disgusting. I actually feel sick.. :(

  24. I'm absolutely disgusted by this site.  What's next?  EBAY?

  25. OMG indeed,that is horrible.

  26. I cannot even begin to describe my horror and disappointment at the human race.

  27. so sad, so sad

  28. wow.... no beuno...

  29. OMG.  thats sick. it's like they are actioning off these poor kids with no parents. its so sad

  30. Is this even legal? I found a baby listed for $42,000. WTH... But it was nice of them to offer their bargain rack for baby's going  for under $15,000 for those families that can't afford the top of the line baby's.  {Sarcasm}  

    I am so upset over this. I feel like contacting all these agencies and telling them how I feel, but I'm afraid they won't even care.

    ETA: Did anyone notice that there are multiple postings from most of the posters? It didn't look like the actual mom's placing these adds but the agencies. I bet most if not all the mom's even know they are doing this.

  31. Maddening and sickening all at once.  I have never seen anything like this before.  How low can humanity go?

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