
Anyone else nervous about giving birth?

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I am 29 weeks, and have been thinking about the big day for the past couple of days. I know part of it is because I am awaiting for the results of my 3 hour glucose tolerance test, and am scared if I am diagnosed with gestational diabetes the complications it could bring.

I am not scared about going into labor or the actual process of giving birth (assuming it is done naturally) because women have done this for thousands of years. I am nervous about the hospital because I have never stayed in one over night. I am terrified of needles (so my birth plan involves no pain medication), and my worst fear is needing a c-section. I also worry about something being wrong with my baby girl...

Does anyone else think like? Is anyone else nervous? Any other current moms have any advice?

I try not to think about it but I can't help it...

Thank you.




  1. I'm at the point where i don't care about the pain..i just want  my baby out of me..its going to hurt i know but there is no use in stressing over it..its going to hurt no matter what

  2. i am quite scared. i have NO idea what to expect, i don't know what its going to feel like. what if the nurses are mean to me? what if something goes wrong. this is my first time. i just want it to be perfect!

  3. It's commong to feel this way, being pregnant and having a baby is a huge deal.  I think that's why God gave the responsibility to women as men just couldn't handle it! lol Try not to stress, do you have friends you can talk to that have had a baby? I had one natural birth and two sections (one emergency) and while they are stressful, the feeling is fleeting. The pain is temporary because pretty soon you'll have your baby and all the worries and pain will be forgotten.  And as long as your dr says your baby is fine, don't worry about her.  Good luck!

  4. Of course you're nervous - every mother is, no matter how many other children she has.  Birth isn't fun.  I too am terrified of needles. I can also tell you from experience that no pain medication isn't a great idea.  Contractions hurt, and you may reach the limit of what you are prepared to go through.  I'm not saying you will, I'm saying allow yourself the chance to change your mind.  I went 19 hours during my first labour with no drugs, and then decided that no matter how scared I was of an epidural, it would be a really good thing to have.  It was awesome!!!  You feel a small prick in your back as they numb the area, then pressure like someone pushing on your spine.  You never see it, and you're too busy trying to curl in a ball over your belly to worry about it.  Your pain will go away really quickly, and you can enjoy seeing your baby.

    Please don't worry about a c-section.  They are really not bad.  I had one with my second, and after the epidural and IV drip are in, you only feel an odd pressure on your stomach, not pain.  A screen is put over your stomach, so you can't see anything until they lift your beautiful baby up.  It doesn't hurt to be sewn up, and anyway, you can hold your baby while they do it.  Afterwards, you get a morphine drip, so you still feel no pain, and over the next few days, you get painkillers (tablets) by the truckload, which you take before you need them.  My c-section never hurt worse than period pain, and that was two days afterwards.  

    I'm having my third baby soon by c-section, and I'm still nervous.  I know there's nothing to worry about for the birth, but I still have a few jitters, because every birth is different, and I know this baby will be a little earlier than the others.  I also know he's a little smaller.  I'm sure that when I walk through the theatre doors and hop up on the bed I will have a moment when I freak out, and will want to run away.  But I won't, because there is no other choice!  You will be fine too.  This is the first part of a wonderful journey into parenthood.  It is scary, but it is magical too.  You get to meet your daughter for the very first time!

  5. i wasnt to nervous with my first but i also have a major fear of needles so i said no needles unless medically needed for the health of my baby in the birth plan so i pretty much stayed int he shower during my whole labour but i ended up having a shot of pethadine which they put in my butt when i was having a contraction and i didnt feel a thing

    (pethadine speeds up your labour so its a good thing to have)

    with my second i was really scared because i was induced early and worried for the safety of my baby but everything went fine

    i cant tell you not to be nervous becasue it wont help but trust me when you hold your baby in your arms you will forget all about the pain

    good luck

  6. Im now pregnant with #2

    When pregnant with my 1st i was so scared of giving birth, people kept telling my stories and it was just putting my off but knew i had to go through it.

    When it finally happened and i was in labour yes it was painful but no it wasnt as bad as some people made out!

    I had all the pain relief going as im not very good with pain at all and after 2 hours of trying to push my baby out who was 13 days over due, i was then taken down for a emergency c section as it was the matter for life and death for my daughter.

    All i can say is, dont listen to stories cause i beileve some people just say things to make you worry.

    You will get through it and you will be fine.

    Im a little worried about this labour and birth as i dint know what to expect if i manage to have a natural birth this time round.

    Good luck

    To the first person that wrote a comment, the midwife i had when in labour was a total b**ch, she was horrible.

    I pray i dont get her this time round! lol

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