
Anyone else see sparks of light?

by Guest44645  |  earlier

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Anyone else see sparks of light?

Ever since I was a kid I have seen sparks of light. I heard they could be spirits or angel trails which do you think they are? Btw there is nothing wrong w/ my eyes so its not a eye disorder.




  1. Before you decide what these sparks of light are, you may want to investigate the possibility of a neurological condition accounting for it. An MRI of your head and spine may reveal something. If all that checks out, and you're sure your eyes are OK, you may have an unexplained mystery to solve!

  2. Yes. I do. It's a normal phenomena and has a normal medical explanation.

    There also sometimes called 'floaters' but not in the swimming pool sense ;-)

  3. I've only seen sparks of light when I was working for almost 48 hours straight. I was so fatigued the visual part of my brain started acting up and I thought I was seeing fireflies (they weren't). I wonder if your visual cortex is just a little different and more prone to this type of illusion? You should ask your doctor about this.

  4. likely static electricity, especially if its quite dark

  5. My guess is it is something neurological. I believe in Angels, and Spiritual beings actually, don't get me started on that. However, this is the science section, not the religion or mythology section, so belief based on faith doesn't count.

    Sparks of light is not consistant with anything I have heard of paranormal activity, however it is very consistant with many things I have heard about biological problems. Pregnant women can see sparks of light after 8 months, which has something to do with hormones, or lack of iron maybe.

    Sleep deprived people see sparks. I have seen these many times. Brain tumors can cause sparks of light.

    You might want to talk to a doctor about seeing sparks of light, just in case its something serious.

  6. its ok am shims see things sometimes it has to do with a hormonal imbalance

  7. Sparks of light?  Perhaps you have something pressuring your optic nerve.  Or, you know, you could just be imagining it.  Do you think that is more likely than the possibility that you (and only you) are seeing something that isn't of the known world?

  8. i saw sparks of lights when i was i was a kid but after i stopped sniffing glue they went away after awhile, (i'm serious)

  9. im glad i came across your question, and yes i do see sparks of light, ive often wondered what they were, i do believe its a spirit, or maybe an angels pressence...heres a story of when it first started, so i know they were real and not just my eyes....i was living with a friend at the time, and i was surrounded by horrible people, evil, i was indanger.. i started feeling like some one else was in the house when i was at home every timne my friend went out id go out to, so i didnt have to be there alone... when she was home, we would sit in the lounge watching tv, she would sit in one chair, and id sit in another chair opposite from her.. then i started noticing flickers of lights like little sparks, all around the room.. i didnt say anything to her at all, thought it was just me.... but when i noticed her jumping out of her chair away from the sparks, then we,d both jump at the same time, we became really wary of what was happened alot for the next couple of weeks, we were both freaked out by it..i ended up moving out of that house and into safety...i knew everything started happening to try and protect me, and im so glad to this day for the divines help... i still see flickers of light, but not as much and i guess it makes me feel at ease now when i see them....but i know exactly what you are seeing, and they are real...

  10. could be anything.  could be glare, a beam of light reflecting off something, the sun.  who knows.  angels aren't visible so i doubt it.

  11. Once in a while I do.Being rational,spirits and angel trails are the least likely cause.

  12. Sometimes if you are very tired, your eyes may just be getting tired too, causing you to slightly hallucinate. Also if you look into a light too long and then you look away, it can cause you to see a quick flash of light. I don't think you should be too worried. I see it sometimes too.

  13. reiki chick is knowledgeable, i see sparks of light like fireflies that passed by, but i seldom see it. Another sparks of light i see is when i'm talking to a person, i see sparks of light coming out of their head seconds before they state an idea.I can see auras too,but not always. I don't take drugs, anything intoxicants, or smoke .Maybe the pentagram figure in the lines of my right palm has something to do with it.The one on the left is larger but not as well balanced in shape.

  14. seeing flashes of light is caused by a medical condition. you get find all the info you need by researching the web then seeing a doctor.

  15. First, I agree with the other posts that its important to rule out any eye or neurological disorder. The reason being is that sparks of light are common symptoms of an internal problem.

    That being said, if you can 100% rule out a biological reason, then yes in fact there are other possibilities. I have read up a lot on claims that tiny sparks of light are sometimes elemental beings or angels. As they are not  something we are used to seeing in our daily life, sometimes we only catch a glimpse of them by seeing a spark instead of the entire being.

    Check out "Entities among us" for some interesting reading.

    I hope that helps. :)

  16. Some say if the light is blue and these points of light move slowly /but not like flying night insects/  they could be considered as  mysterious sparks -spirits or other  forms of life etc.

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