
Anyone ever take Art History 2?

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I have it this Fall and I'm a little annoyed because in general I find the history of art to be boring. What exactly do you do in this class? I mean I know its a humanities class so you have to write a lot but do you just look at pictures from differnent artist and.........




  1. I really love art, but I found this class really hard at first. Then I learned to BS. Lots of essays comparing one artist to another. Comparing one painting to another. I got out of the class with an A, but I had to make a visit to my high school art teacher to get it. She really helped.

  2. It depends on the instructor ...but yes, you'll pretty much be looking at artwork from the Renaissance through to Contemporary Art.  If you're lucky, your instructor will have your class watch some videos on various artists (maybe suggest, or ask if the class can watch some videos to make things more interesting).  Maybe a few quizzes, or tests, and possibly some papers.  

  3. You realize not all colleges are the same...Lol.

  4. every college is of course different but basically it is memorizing slides and writing papers.  i never watched videos in that art history course (renaissance through modern). in my opinion it is more interesting than ancient through medieval art but if you love art then you'll love art history and will not be bored. if you are not an art-history major this is a class which is not necessary, no one should take subjects they are not interested in and that they are not required to take.

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