
Anyone get into "Freecycle"?

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If you are in the market for meeting some losers, this is the ticket.

Did anyone steal your welcome mat? Holy c**p, just give your stuff to charity, I think this thing might be dangerously stupid!




  1. I donate to the Lupus Fundation. works for me and they do door to door pick-ups. I don't have to worry about privacy or misues of my personal info either.

  2. Mostly good experiences - when I had to clean out my mother's place - perfectly usable major appliances, but not in condition to sell - and these folks came by and furnished apartments for people with the stuff.

    Yes, you will get some ragpickers, but they were the exception

  3. I checked into it and all the people around my home either have baby clothes to give away or they are looking for baby clothes...........No good stuff !!!!

  4. I am very "into" Freecycle, I've gotten rid of a ton of unwanted stuff, and gotten a few things I've needed.

    No, I've never had anything stolen, but there are a few rotten apples in every barrel. That is why I prefer to meet people at places, not have them come to my home. Or I drop stuff off.

    The point of Freecycle is to pass on stuff that might go to the landfill, so much of the stuff I gave away, our overloaded thrift stores would not accept. But the stuff found a happy home anyway.

    So with the proper expectations and safety measures, Freecycle is a great option.

  5. I'm sorry if you have had a bad experience with Freecycle.   I have been an active member of several "Freecycle" groups in my area and have never had other members take anything except the specific item offered them.  Many times I have placed several items tagged for different people on my porch.  They only picked up what was intended for them individually.  

    Of course, everyone should be cautious and not invite strangers inside their homes to discuss offered items whether freecycling or otherwise.  That's just good common sense and is always discussed in each group's rules/guidelines.

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