
Anyone get sick on cruises?

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I want to go on a cruise without getting sick and ruining my vacation!




  1. yes i did

  2. sometimes people do, i've never gotten sick and i've been on 5 of them..if you tend to get seasick then you might so just bring some medicine. and even if you do get sick, it probs won't ruin your whole vacation

  3. There is a VERY rare chance you'll get seasick! Me and my mom are going on our second one, and you end up forgetting your even on a ship! trust me, unless you are EXTREMELY motion sensitive, it wont bother mom has the same problem, but like I said, you forget your even on a boat....and dont let that stop you, cuz you cant pass up a cruise!!! (she didnt even get sick)

  4. I have been on one cruise and I used the patch. It worked, I was fine. I am going on another cruise soon and I have an rx for the patch.

  5. be prepared to bring along anti-diarrheal medication.  most, if not all, cruise ships are registered to foreign countries so they don't abide by US laws.

  6. Yep bring imodium and sea sick pills or patches with you. I have been on 8 cruises and only once did it get rough enough to even feel the movement of the ship. Oh yea, they do have a doctor on board who can take care of all kinds of ills. It is not very likely that you will get sick, but at least you know if you do, you can get help very easy. Don't worry, or it will make you sick.LOL

  7. The larger the ship, the slower it moves with the motion of the ocean. If in doubt, anti-sea sickness wrist bands and Bonine are much cheaper at Walie World than at the on board store. Plan ahead accordingly. We've been on 3 cruises and have had no problem.

  8. Yes, some people do but keep washing your hands and don't touch your hands to your face.  

    As far as motion sickness, some do and some don't.

    When I first cruised, I thought for sure that I was going to get sick from all the motion.

    My hubby told me, na, you won't, because we own a boat ourselves.  He said just think of being out on our boat.  

    Ok, I was fine, but he and my son both got sick about 6hrs into the cruise.

    The ship has pills that you can take, or you can go to your Dr. before you go and get a patch that is placed behind your ears.

    Don't focus on whether you are going to be sick or not, because if you worry so much about it, you will get sick.  You'll ruin your vacation that way.  

    Also, do not drink any water from foreign countries and this includes any drinks made with water.  Always drink bottle water.  We pack our own drinks from home when we go in a seperate suite case and then bring what we need for the day on the islands.

    Just use your normal routine in hand washing and you will be fine.


  9. In general, people on cruise ships are very healthy. That said, it would be a great shame to get sick on vacation, so extra precautions may be warranted...

        * Wash your hands properly. This is the most important thing you can do. Germs can spread by shaking hands, touching handrails, and more.

        * Beware sunburn, probably the most common "ailment" on Caribbean cruises. People rarely use enough sunscreen, and the results can be painful.

        * Stay hydrated. Be sure to drink plenty of water; don't let yourself feel thirsty. Be especially careful if you are drinking alcohol, which is dehydrating and can distract you from feeling thirsty. For each alcoholic beverage you drink, pair it up with a glass of water.

        * Don't overdo it. Everyone wants to make the most of their vacation, but don't push yourself beyond your limits. Too much rich food, too much alcohol, and even too much exercise and exertion can make a great trip go sour. Be mindful of your own boundaries, and you will have a great time.

    You can read more about keeping healthy on a cruise at:

    If it's seasickness you're concerned about, then ...

    * Avoid open seas. Crossing the Atlantic or Pacific (e.g., on the way to Hawaii) is frequently choppy. That's not to say that the Caribbean and other areas don't get storms and high waves, but in general they are much better than wide open ocean.

    * Get a preventative. There are lots of medications that help with seasickness, but many sailors and cruisers swear by a drug-free option, the acupressure wristband. Or you can get a prescription for the scopolamine patch.

    You can read more about avoiding seasickness at:

    I hope you have a great vacation!

  10. You may be able to prevent getting sick by doing some exercises to strengthen your vestibular system before you go on the cruise. The movement of the ship causes your vestibular system to get confused and that is why some people get sick on cruises. You can also do these exercise if you begin to feel sick on the cruise. For example if you get dizzy its important to keep your eyes open and focus on something like words on a business card, and this can sometimes control nystagmus. Medicines sometime given for dizziness and motion sickness actually weaken the vestibular system doing more damage in the long run.

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