
Anyone have any funny ski stories?

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I'm just wondering if anyone had any ski accident stories, or funny ski stories.

Here is mine(well not really mine but my teacher's)

We were on a school ski trip and apparently my teacher was going down one of the black diamond hills and he apparently 'hit a patch of ice' and did a superman and started rolling and woke up (he wasn't wearing a helmet(very bad example)) to see the principal standing over him laughing.

Then he came to school the next day on crutches. Hehehe. Everyone at school already makes fun of him and if he didn't show up he would never live it down.

Payback time for all the times he makes fun of other people for crashing


So just kinda funny.

Any other stories?




  1. My son was just learning to ski, and got fairly good at most of the skills when he started to learn about jumping off of moguls.  After about 10 tries he was successful and asked " Hey, dad, can I go higher up the hill?"  

    "Sure, but stop when I tell you."

       He went 20 feet higher up the hill and of course went 20' higher off of the jump. That got to the seat of the problem in about 8" of soft snow.  The look on his face was great.  That was 30 years ago and he still hates the story.

  2. i went skiing wit my friend this weekend n since i was a beginner n a woman was teaching a group n the lesson was just starting, we decided to join, we didnt know we had to pay for the lesson. At the end, the woman asked us if we had tickets for her n we said no but we were so far off that she decided to forget about it.

  3. yeah one time me and my dad were on the lift and about to get off and the lift was going really slow cuz the guy in front of us had trouble getting off so as me and my dad got off the operator turned it on really fast and my dad flew off really high

    he actually bruised a rib on the fall so i wasnt that funny then but now we laugh at it

  4. My son and his buddy went night skiing at a local hill in NJ.

    His friend is quite heavy and had never skied before.... It was also near the end of the season and there was mud all around the entrance to the lift.

    Of course the fat one has trouble getting on the lift and is half on and half off as the chair is asending, when SPLAT!

    He falls off the chair face first! A GARAGE SALE!

    Mud flying everywhere and on everybody!!!!

    Too funny! When they came home and I saw his friend... I just lost it!.

    Still laugh every time I see him.

  5. there have been to many funny stories, some very scary

    i have seen about 12 people hit trees

    people trying and do back flips and not rotate all the way

    that goes for 360 as well

    skis broken

    poles bent

    i dont know how many face plants

    i think the best is when people collide(obviously i dont want them to get hurt but its funny as h**l 2x everything)

    once i was skiing with my friends and we were at this mountain and kept running into these kids, they though they were so good (they sucked and they talked some much sh*t )  well so  we were going down the same run that goes into the terrain park and they were trying to show us up, we were way better, and we thought it has pretty funny, so we were doing tricks and stuff on the way down.  my friend just does a simple spin around (180) on the snow and skis backwards - one of the other kids trys and totally wips out skis flying and everything.  i had the luxury of being in back so i saw everything.  once we got to the bottom, where the park begins we always hockey stop and spray each other with snow(we werent mean enough to spray each other just our friends).  now one of the kids from the other group was coming in and going pretty fast, he goes to hockey stop and catches an edge or something and face-plants and wipes out 2 of his friends.  it was so funny, we died laughing and couldnt help but make fun of them.

  6. I was coming out of the glades with some friends and I was doing some moguls and I popped out did a 180 to see my friends Ian and Billy do the glade. First Ian comes out and he hits the last bump to hard and goes flying head first into the open trail which is where the glade ended. My second friend comes out and there was  drop off before the bumps he jumps off of it and leans forward and does a front flip and lands on his A** all the way by the open trail

    The two fall happened within a second. I harassed them for the whole week

  7. this is really mean, but funny as h**l...

    i ski in the east so generally it sucks.  on days or nights when the snow is icy or just bad altogether, my friends and i will camp out on the beginner slopes and watch people fall.  

    beginners do some amazing things! serioulsy go try it sometime you will laugh so hard.  the best thing i ever saw in my life was a kid honestly maybe 9 years old... acted like the biggest hardass ive ever seen. he cuts me off going down the slope in his wobbly, beginner stance.  turns his head around and says something to the effect of "move it or lose it"  this cracked me up so i decided to watch him  tried to ride over a box just straight on.  yelled the whole way sayin how badass he was.  upon dismount, he got spun around and started FLYING backwards (regular, square tail rentals)  passed within 10 feet of me and had the most amazing face ive ever seen... it  looked as if he was dazed because he was slowly realizing that his young life was over.)  he continues careening straight towards a tree.  falls just short of the tree and lays there crying.  at the time i was scared as h**l cus the kid could have died.  but he was such a little hardass it was funny as h**l.

  8. well my friend(not anymore) said she was good at skiing and wanted to go with me sometime, i have a condo at a mountain and im one of the best in the US. my parents gave us each a radio so that we could meet up w/them later. anyway i took her on an easy trail, i didnt believe she was that good. she took her skis off and wanted to walk down the side, a ski patrol happened to be skiing down that trail and he made her put them back on so he could help her down, she fell and then he fell and they slid down together all tangled up. it made my day! she was so pissed at me she called my parents on the radio and told them i took her on a double black and wouldnt help her down, oh ya and earlier that day she fell off the lift getting off, it was so funny, it hit her in the butt.

    oh new story, happened today, ok so i was at a competition and two girls were dueling in moguls, i was just watching from the bottom after my run. on the 2nd jump they both did spreads but one girl's wasnt very good. i heard some other girl behind me say "aww i know she can spread her legs farther than that" what made it so funny was that she didnt realize what she had said and she was seriously just sad that her friend hadnt done her best spread. everyone looked back at her and started laughing

  9. I don't know about "STORIES", but most funny stuff I see on ski resorts happens when people get off ski lifts.  I know people fall all the time but it is still very funny.

  10. When I was 8 I went skiing a few times and got pretty good (or so i thought).  I could go down blacks (kinda) and even did a few small jumps in the park and a box or two, stuff like that, so I wasnt bad for an 8 year old.  But one day my dad couldnt go skiing with me, so he dropped me off with my friend and we were going to ski all day and then meet him in the parking lot at 3 to take us home.  But after we skiied for a few runs, i got bored of going on easy runs (because my friend wasnt that good) and I wanted to go REALLY FAST.  Well, we were at Snow Basin Ski Resort in Utah, the place where the men's downhill competitions were held at the recent olympics.  I had heard my dad and some friends talking about the "super fast race hill" a few weeks before and I, thinking I was all that and a bag of chips, decided I could handle it.  So i took a few lifts and ended up at the top of "GRIZZLY".  I'm not sure why I didnt turn back when I saw that hill, but I didnt, and next thing I knew i was haulin *** down the men's downhill course, while older (and smarter) skiers who were on the run along with me yelled at me to slow down.  By the time I realized i was in trouble (which wasnt long) I was going pretty fast and was way too scared to even try and stop.  I dont think my legs were strong enough to stop me even if i had wanted to.  So i just got going faster and faster down the hill, not knowing what to do, with a bunch of old guys yelling at me to slow down.  I finally got so scared that I just basically threw myself over on my back to stop, hoping that it wouldnt hurt as bad as catching an edge.  It probably did.  I bounced and skidded and spun for a while down the hill before finally coming to a stop...with  my poles about 50 yards up the hill from me.

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