
Anyone have know of good plant?

by Guest64197  |  earlier

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My plants in tropical fish tank die quickly.Anyone know of a good plant feed?




  1. i like baby tears

    all i use is a student lamp and it is fine

  2. maybe a good grammar program instead

  3. Java Moss rulez  

  4. The best way to grow aquatic plants in an aquarium is to install a CO2 system with a really good lighting system.  You need to be an advanced fish keeper to understand what you are doing or at least an A student in 9th grade biology.  For beginners, try hornwort or anacharis.  

  5. depending on how much light they get they should do fine with no fert make sure you have a flouresent light. If you do and they are still dying go to your local aquarium shop and they will tell you what plant food to use

  6. Is your bulb florescent?? What wattage is it? Java fern does ok with no light, so try that.

  7. Try Anubias, Java Fern, and Java Moss. They are easy to take care of, are low light plants, and most likely won't die.

    E-mail me for any questions!

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