
Anyone have trouble answering questions....?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I try to post links to photobucket it comes up as error 999.. Seem to be able to answer with no links. Anyone know how to fix this?




  1. sometimes that happens when doing photobucket links or youtube links.  but also when i try to answer mulereiners questions it says they have been deleted.  i have tryed to get help but it always said we will look into it.

  2. umm why did you put this in horses?

  3. happens all the time when yahoo answers doesnt like the picture or the format.try this post your answer and then put an edit in your answer then post the link and see if that works.

    it happens to me all the time.

  4. well, I used to have that problem but most of it is b/c yahoo wants you to use their photo thing called Flickr.  Put your pictures on there and it wil be fine.  Trust me, I have tried it with phototbucket and now I like flickr more.  PLus it is free too.

  5. this has nothing to do with horses

  6. How does this belong in horses? xD

  7. What happens with the photo sharing sites is that too many people in a set amount of time are using the photosharing site and posting to Yahoo.

    Yahoo 'sees' it as someone spamming and sending out large quantities of links to the same address...the photosharing site.  Yahoo automatically shuts down the outside website to prevent spamming.

    I have alot of trouble actually with photobucket.  If I don't need to edit the picture I'm posting...I like

    It's very easy to use and you don't have to 'join' and be a member.  Some people also use Flickr...or something like that.  I don't reason, just don't.

    Try to have more than one site that you use for photosharing.  And occasionally Yahoo is glitching...and you can't post photos from anywhere and you get the 999 error code.  Then you just wait awhile or the next day until Yahoo lets you post photos again.

  8. I agree... why in horses?

  9. Not sure but I wish you good luck. I was not able to answer in any category for teh last two weeks. Now Yahoo has transferred by points to a new account. Had to change my screen name. They say they can't transfer my quest. and answers or my % of best answers. I am not too happy with it. they said this is what happens when you change ISP's. This is my third ISP and the 1st time this has happened. Plus, the date makes it look like I just joined instead of being here for almost three yrs.

  10. yeah i know exactly what you are talking about. some people ask questions that require a picture and i cant get it through. I used to a few months ago though, not sure what is wrong.

  11. Ya know reading the question - and the fact its IN horses - lead me to think first off she most be a horse fan - and trying to add a photo to her horse question -  NOT THAT DIFFICULT TO FIGURE OUT -

    But for your info - Although i've had no trouble - might I ask a few questions or make suggestions?

    What browser are you using (IE, Firefox?) - if its anything other then IE - sometimes things aren't compatible... I use Firefox and haven't had an issue with this site - however, when trying to upload photos or video on some websites I must use Internet Explorer because Firefox and that website aren't compatitble.  

    just a thought?? Good luck!

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