
Anyone heard of Nostradamus?

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Anyone heard of Nostradamus?




  1. yes

  2. Check this out:

  3. Yes.why???

  4. Ofcourse

  5. Nostradamus was an astrologer and just another charlatan claiming to be able to predict future events. Every so often his followers have to update the interpretations of his so called prophecies, in order to make them conform to world events.

    Not worth your time.

  6. mae wee

  7. The renowned prophet Nostradamus (Michel de Nostradame) was born on December 14, 1503 in St. Remy, Provence, France. Nostradamus came from a long line of Jewish doctors and scholars. His family had converted from Judaism to Christianity in 1502, as a result of persecution on the ascension of Louis the XII. After a classical education he studied medicine, herbalism and astrology.Nostradamus can indisputably be said to have been ahead of his time, at least in terms of medical practice. His treatment of the Black Death involved removal of the infected corpses, fresh air and unpolluted water for the healthy, a herbal preparation rich in Vitamin C, and (in contravention of contemporary medical practise) not bleeding his patients.

    it has been said also that he has been one of the "few ones"

    that had accesed the 'Akaschic Records'

  8. Yes I have heard of him.  Yes he claimed to write prophesies.  Yes he is about as accurate at predicting the future as anyone else out there.  I'll give you an example of one of his quatrains, chosen at random:

    By the new clothes after the find is made,

    Malicious plot and machination:

    First will die he who will prove it,

    Color Venetian trap.

    People have made a cottage industry out of "interpreting" these quatrains by applying them (in hindsight of course) to events that have already happened.  If you have a *very* vague prediction you can apply it to a number of different situations.

    Here, let me try:

    The pale door will open,

    And the bird will dodge the knife,

    The pie falls off the sill,

    And the king is forlorn.

  9. Yes, a Frenchman from the 1500's who wrote down a very large collection of prophecies.

    Many people think that he was a real seer. But  because there are so many prophecies, and because they are interpreted, twisted and fudged to such a great extent, it's very easy to force fit Nostradamus' writings to any given event in history after the fact.

  10. Yes heard of him - i find his writing interesting to say the least. Not so much his predictions of the future events but the visions of things that were not around during his life. That are now.

    Many do not understand his writing but they do not take into consideration that back in his time the things he visioned had no common names he had to explain what he saw.

    I also believe people look for hidden messages in his words and try to make them out to mean something to make him out to be a self proclaimed physic, this however isn't what his intent was. he had strange visions and wrote them down.

    Steven King does the same thing and writes books which turn into movies.

    The thing is we can not ask Nostradamus questions so no answers will ever be proved or disproved.

  11. Yes

    Is that all that you required?

    His visions and predictions have been debated for centuries.

  12. Nostradamus, (1503-1566), French physician and astrologer who wrote Centuries, a famous collection of prophecies published in 1555. The prophecies in Centuries appear in four-line rhyming verses called quatrains. In vague language, they describe events from the mid-1500s through the end of the world, which is predicted to come in ad3797. Many people have interpreted the prophecies in Centuries, connecting certain ones with events that have taken place since Nostradamus's time. The name “Nostradamus” is a Latin name he used in place of his original name, Michel de Nostredame.

    Nostradamus was born in Saint Remi, in southern France. He studied medicine in Montpellier, and started a practice about 1525. Soon after, he began to treat victims of the plague in communities of southern France. Nostradamus used innovative methods of treatment, and his success in curing extremely ill patients earned him a reputation as a specially gifted healer.

    About 1550, Nostradamus moved to Salon, where he began to write his prophecies. The publication of Centuries increased his fame, bringing many people to visit him in Salon during the rest of his life. Catherine de Medicis, queen of France, asked him to plot the horoscopes of her husband, King Henry II, and their children. In 1560, King Charles IX of France appointed Nostradamus court physician.

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