
Anyone here a massage therapist?

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if so.. would u reconmend it as a career choice for me..?

like is it good? hard? good pay? im 16 and now thinking about my future. but if i choose to go down this path i need to do a course. and im just wondering if its worth it? =) cheers




  1. I recommend that you go to college for business and or marketing first or some other career and then go to massage school later if you still want to.

    It requires more maturity as you will be dealing with people with health issues and you have to understand the therapeutic relationship and be mature enough to deal with people in pain or who have past memories come up in a session etc.

    The average age of a massage therapist in the US is 45 and most massage schools are geared toward teaching adults.

    Only you can decide if it is a good career choice for you.  Starting pay is $12-$15 an hour if you get a job, but most massage therapists start their own business.

    You have to find out what education requirements there are in your state as each state is different.

  2. Yes, I absolutely recommend the career path of massage therapy as being one of the best choices I've ever made in my life.  Check out Phillips' School of Massage in Nevada City, California (my alma mater).  Great school, and one of the most cost effective, spiritually deepest experiences of my life!!!!  I'm looking at going back for some CEU's within the next calendar year.  The only things you have to be careful of are as follows:  1)  It is possible to do too many massages in one day and burn out your wrists and hands (ie Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, etc.)  Be careful of this.  2)  We are working in an increasingly hostile world where many of the spas that formerly engaged in a 50-50 split w/ their therapists are trying massively to scale that down to a 60-40 or even a 75-25 split in the spa's favour.  Resist that like h**l, and be willing to leave/walk out over the issue.  IMHO, no spa, no matter what, has the right to any more than half the monies you generate.  If they're not making enough money to satisfy their corporate greed and mismanagement/failure to market themselves well issues, that's on them, not you.  Resist the need to stay with an organization like that.  Resist it with everything you are, and everything you have.  The pay is usually excellent, unless you're working for an entity with a bad split or bad management practices.  You will not need to do just one course, you will be doing several, and all your professional life, so that you continue to stay well-educated, cutting edge and at the top of your field.  There is always more to learn, and more to accomplish.

    Some of the other best things I've ever done in my life, just so you know, are a) studying languages.  I speak, read, write Spanish fluently, French very well--I'm a bit out of practice, and enough German and Italian to get around and live in the country; b) learning to drive; c) taking art, literature and music classes; d) moving to NYC for 7 years; e) studying cooking and getting two degrees/certificates in it; f) going to the Natural Gourmet Cookery School/Institute for Food and Healing and the New York Restaurant School in NYC; g) traveling all over the world; h) living in California for 7 years; i) learning to type/word process/learning office skills;

    With these skills (and more), you can get a job anywhere, anytime.

  3. yes but combine it with other therapies or beauty therapies it's becoming very popular and you have the choice of working for your self or an employer. the more therapies you can offer the better paid you'll be.

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