
Anyone here play guitar?

by  |  earlier

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I started playing guitar a few months ago and i want to keep up with it. But i dont really know what to practise, i was thinking of getting lessons. is that a good idea?

also sometime it feels impossible to play bar chords and really complicated ones , any tips for learning those?

right now i suck and i can't really play any songs, i can play a few but really easy ones.

does it get easier?

thanks! =]




  1. I have been a professional guitar picker for over 50 years.  When I am teaching someone, I try to teach them some of the basics in the first 4 lessons so they can then learn on their own for as much time as it takes to get comfortable with the guitar.

    A good teacher can keep you from making a lot of the mistakes that people who are so arrogant they think they can do it on their one or for free off the internet, almost ALWAYS make.  A good teacher can make the whole experience a lot more enjoyable and you won't have to come back in a year and spend more money to UNLEARN all your bad habits that you picked up early.

    4 basic lessons will give you a big help in learning the basics... then take a month or three to practice what you learned... and then take another 4 lessons and learn on your own again..

  2. i prefer you not to take lesson's just starting out. they will make you hate playing! start out on playing guitar tabs and get use to the neck and play songs you enjoy hearing! then further down the road i prefer guitar lessons, you will learn so much for them! but for just starting out i wouldn't waste the money or the time! good luck!

  3. dont listen to punjab. u have to learn both chords and solos. and i highlt recommend taking lessons

  4. I would highly recommend that you not waste money on guitar lessons...The guitar as played in the western world is erroneous and does not bring out the true beauty of the instrument.  If you pay someone they will teach you the chord method which is a distraction from real music.  

    Do not ever let anyone tell you to hold down multiple notes simultaneously, it should be done rarely if ever atall..

    learn to play notes...and start composing...

    get familiar with rhythms and think like a drummer as well as a pianist....

    chords will suck the energy out of melodies...

  5. First, always make sure your hand is parallel to the fingerboard, This way, if you need to finger stretch, it will be easy for bar chords and extensions.

    You might consider putting extra light gauge strings on your guitar. This will make it easier to press and definitely, you will be able to play bar chords.

    Noneed for any neck adjustment either even if you put extra light strings.

    good Luck !!!

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