
Anyone know if this is harassment? ?

by  |  earlier

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I owe a little bit of money to a lender and I haven't been able to pay it. Now they call me 3-4 times a day at home and at work attempting to collect the debt. If I actually pick the phone up and talk to them, the wait 24 hours before calling me. Once I even got a phone call at 6:00am on a Sunday! Is this harassment? I can't pay them yet and I've told them that. So short of paying them what can I do to get the phone calls to stop?




  1. Them calling you at work can be. Tell them to no longer call you at work. As far as them calling you at home. There isn't much that you can do there.  

  2. ignore them i get the same calls from creditors and dont owe them the national debt and i have them harrassing me around the clock until you pay them off or tell them youll make a promisary on a certain day of next month and they will leave you alone til then everyone wants money!!!

  3. Check with your Consumer Protection Bureau. There are laws governing the collection of debt, and I suspect that these collectors aren't following the law.

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