
Anyone know of A GOOD BIRD?????

by  |  earlier

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i really want to get a bird and i want one that won't grow too big, isn't that noisy, won't bite, is fun to be around, and doesn't cost much

any suggestions???

and thanks in advanced to everyone who answered!!!




  1. Cockatiels are a good choice. I got my cockatiel about eight years ago and she's still healthy and lovable. They are wonderful pets (she was my first pet). I now have two more that are also great and the male is always "singing."

  2. I would recommend a cockatiel or parakeet.  Cockatiels are absolutely adorable and if you play with them, they will become your best friend.  They're also relatively small.  Parakeets are also great because they're smaller and come with a smaller beak, which means a smaller bite if let to go evil.  They're also pretty cheap.  If you want a bird that won't bite, get a baby and play with it ALL THE TIME! Just be sure to NEVER let it have a mirror or it will become attatched to itself instead of you, and become evil.

  3. All birds are noisey and bite.

    Try a parakeet but they screech.

    You could try a canary but they are expensive.


  4. Unfortunately the only bird that covers all your wants is a stuffed toy bird.

    Birds are very much like children. They are loud, they are messy, they are demanding and they can bite.

    But like children, even though you sometimes have the urge to lock them in their rooms until they are 30, at the end of the day you love them because they are who they are, and you couldn't imagine life without them.

    If trained and bonded well, your bird generally won't bite, but that doesn't mean that it can't. Most of a birds "annoying" noise level comes from boredom, so if you give them plenty to keep them occupied and lots of attention it can reduce it. There will be times when your bird just wants to have a good old screaming fest for no reason other than *cause they can*.

    I have quakers, tiels, budgies, lovebirds and bourke's, so I can only give my views on them.

    Bourke's are by far the quiet ones. They have a sweet little twittering sound, and are only heard at dusk and dawn, but it's a sweet sound. They can bite, but generally don't (even my aviary Bourke's don't tend to bite) and because they are small (budgie size) when they do get a nip in they can't really do any damage.

    They are fun to watch, but not really "cuddly" birds.

    Budgies I find to be quiet, although lots of people say they are loud. I've never had a loud budgie other than the very rare rant. The noise isn't offensive though. Budgies are your cheapest option. I don't class my budgies as "fun". They are sit and snuggle on my shoulder birds.

    Cockatiels can be loud, but certainly not as loud as the big parrots. If a young tiel doesn't start off a biter, they generally don't become a biter. Tiels are fun to play with and an all round good bird.

    Lovebirds - of all the birds the lovebirds are my son's favourites. They play non stop in their cage with any toy given to them, but out of the cage they seem to be more cuddles than players and usually hop into his pockets where they will stay for hours. Noise level is a medium. Louder than budgies and bourke's, but not as loud as tiels. Also fairly cheap.

    Quakers...probably not for you. Loud, messy, overbearing, loud, bossy, loud.....did I mention loud? Lol.

    Quakers are my absolute favourites but take a lot of time and effort.  

    If possible, no matter what type of bird you decide on, get a handraised bird. Because they are used to people and enjoy human company they are less likely to bite or be as loud...they will accept you as a part of the flock and not the enemy.

  5. i got a wild sparrow i found it and i raised it sense it was baby but right now i still have it and its already kinda flying there really intelagent birds  then only 2 inches tall but they are kinda noisy but really friendly  if u can raise it right it wouldnt die

    "my sparrow likes to perch on my finger"

  6. A parakeet would be a good starter bird, if you have never cared for a bird before. Their inexpensive, all birds make noise, won't bite if you handle it everyday and train it.

  7. the first thing you want is to find out what you want, if you want a bird that talks good ,an african grey, or an amoazon would be your best bet,if you want a lovable parrot you would deffinetly want a cockatoo, the thing is , there loud, you have to pay atleast   2hours of attention each day to them, if you just want a bird that talks and you can pet alot, i would say a macaw(blue and gold ' are good talkers) there big and bautiful birds that demand alot of attention and can be just as loud as a cockatoo, remember these birds live just as long as youwith livespans ranging from 50-100 years, and they demand alot of attention and if they dont get it they turn mean and pluck there feathers, if you dont have 2 hours a day to spend with them than get a cockatiel , or lovebirds. conures and quakers  can talk pretty good for there size and are not as big as cockatoos and macaws and african greys , but they can talk fairly well, they rang from 200 to 500 for these birds, a blue and gold macaw can range from 1000 to 2500, cockatoos are the same and african greys are about 1200, hope this helps

  8. a lovable cockatiel

    a little expensive though

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