
Anyone live in Glendale Arizona?...

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I was just wondering if any1 lived in Glendale cuz I will most likely be moving there soon and i just wanted peoples opinions on how it its over there.

like are the schools nice? and the neighborhoods?




  1. NOPE they rolled it up 5 years ago and hauled it away.

  2. i was just there two weeks ago and went to margaritaville

  3. Glendale is on the West side.

    In the news every night.

    They have tried to fix it up.

    Drop houses for illegals.

    From what I see on our local news, the highest area of illegal problems, shootings and drunk drivers.

    All Valley schools have lice problems.

    Better already have a job unless you do landscaping work.

  4. yeah its good. I guess it depends on what school your going to to have an opinion

  5. I live in Glendale and have been here for 21 years.  Depending upon the part of Glendale you are going to live in will determine your neighborhood.  Northern Glendale is lovely and the schools are good.  The schools in Glendale Union High School District are all good schools as a matter of fact, but neighborhoods aren't all the best.  Shop around before moving in to an area.

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