
Anyone play D&D anymore?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my sister play it everyday, for, like, a half hour.

You guys?




  1. Lots of people play.  They are coming out with 4th edition next month

  2. no...i don't know anyone who plays that...but hey, if you guys like =] There is this one site that's pretty cool...kinda's called

  3. yes

  4. i thought they all went to war craft and such games but my brother still plays with a couple of his buddies on the weekends

  5. Yep, my group gets together for 4 hours on a saturday, every other weekend.  If you're looking for people around you to play with.  There are a number of databases. - - is a good one, and another one i use is  but nothing beats your good old fashioned friendly neighborhood gaming store.  they usually know who is playing what when.  Sometimes, right there in the store.  Good Luck, and happy dungeon crawling!

  6. yep, my hubby & son play with a club each week.  My house is filling up with little figures and terrain boards!

  7. Yep, been playing for the last 21 years and dont see a stop in sight.

    The way we play has changed a good bit, but the basic game is still there.  Currently i'm DMing a small group consisting of my wife, my cousin and one of our friends.  Not the largest group i've DMed for by far, but we still have fun burning sunday nights away.

  8. Yep, been playing with a group for 3 or 4 years now.

    We do all sorts of table top gaming though, not just AD&D.

  9. Do you mean Dungeons and Dragons?  My son-in-law and one of my grandsons both play it.

  10. I would my dad used to but theres no one around where i live that plays it i know of.I now play Neverwinter nights,Baldurs gate, and games like that on the computer,and neverwinter nights is online compatible.

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