
Anyone read Simone De Beauvior??

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Has anyone read 'A Woman In Love' from her book 'The Second s*x' ? I have read it and i am confused on her overall tone ? And because i CANNOT understand philosophy im finding this difficult. Thanks heaps guyss. Take Care




  1. Not for many years, so I can't really offer anything useful to this except some links which might be helpful (see below).

    In the first link, page 9 has some interesting notions about the way in which De Beauvoir's philosophical background informed the construction of her theories about women, perhaps even 'hindering' her expression because she tried to talk about new ideas using old language.

    That could of course simply be an attack on her ideas as some philosophers seem to delight in doing to each other, but it may be worth some consideration.

    You can certainly decide for yourself if you feel any of this can assist your own research.

    Cheers :-)

  2. Simone de Beauvoir was a hypocrite.  She wrote about women being oppressed etc, while being totally under the thumb of her boyfriend Jean-Paul Sartre.  I would pay no attention to anything she says.

  3. I could not follow that chapter either.  Some say that it is a result of the translation to English, but I think she wasn't completely coherent when she wrote it.

  4. I haven't read it, but I did read her novel: She Came To Stay. Most of that is about jealousy (autobiographical writing concerning JP Sartre getting a live-in lover).

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