
Anyone who had laser eye operation?

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I am about to get a laser eye operation and does it hurt to get one and if they numb you where do they put the needle? thanks




  1. they do not give you any shots or IV and it is all over in under ten minutes

    quite amazing

  2. Hi!

    Don't worry it doesn't hurt.  It's really freaky but it really does not hurt.  They put drops in your eye that numbs it before they do anything.  They had to give my a pill to keep my teeth from chattering I was so scared, but then I was ok.  

    When the numbness wears off after the surgery it feels really gritty in your eye for a day but no pain.  Make sure to do everything they say and use the drops and the eye protection.  

    Mine were kinda dry and sensitive to the light for a while so invest in some wrap around eye wear and don't rub your eyes! They give you some slimy drops to make sure you don't get an  infection, use them!

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