
Appendix Ticking Time Bomb?

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Ok I'm really paranoid about my appendix bursting to the point where every little pain makes me think it's gonna go BOOM!!!!!!!!! so how do I know when it is gonna go boom?




  1. trust me with the excruciating pain you get you will have enough time to get to the hospital.

    and no you don't explode! but it can kill you.

    you will be doubled up in severe pain for about and hour before hand, you wont be able to move it would hurt so much. it starts with loss of appetite, nausea and aching in the centre of the abdomen around the navel and can be followed by vomiting and occasionaly diaohrra (more common constipation). usually a fever of 99-100 degrees after that the pain get worse and worse. its very rare now days that the appendix gets to bursting stage..... its usually caught well before then due to the nature of the symptoms

    the hospital are very quick to find the cause and whip it out quick in a very small op.

    so don't panic you wont just go BOOM and explode trust me you will know in plenty of time its gonna happen,

  2. Have you been diagnosed as having a 'rumbling appendix' then? Or is it just pure paranoia?

    And you'll know beforehand because of the excruciating pain in the bottom right of your abdomen!!

  3. What actually makes you think you have anything wrong with your appendix in the first place have you had a diagnosis from your doctor. If you have then speak to them about the warning signs. If not then grow up and stop being a drama queen

  4. Do yourself a big favor and quit worrying

    There is no guarantee about anything and it is hard to tell when anyone will have this problem.

    I suggest that you quit worrying and enjoy life and what is left of the summer.


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