
Apple cited vinagar?

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does that help u loose weight?




  1. no, eating right and exercising help you lose weight.

  2. No, it won't.  It is merely an acid added to food either for flavor, or altering a state of food to make it like something else.  (Adding vinegar to milk to make a subsitute for buttermilk for example)

    Weight loss is really based on 2 key components.   Energy output needs to be slightly greater than the energy input.

    You need to exercise enough to burn the calories, a good way to do this is to exercise for 30 min or more keeping your heart rate up.  There is no quick fix to losing weight, diets (typically restricting you from certain foods or food groups) aren't very healthy unless balanced, this includes a balance of fat/calories/sodium/carbs/protein/vitami...  

  3. Pure organic apple cider vinegar and honey taken daily  

  4. No, but it'll make things taste good.

  5. no
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