
Application of first law on motion?

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Application of first law on motion?




  1. You want an application of the first law of motion.

    firstly, in case you didn't know, the first law is that an object will continue at a steady speed unless some unbalanced force acts on it.

    an application of this idea is that when the driving force in a car is equal to the resistance the car experiences, the car will travel at a steady speed. this is because the forces are balanced, and no unbalanced forces are acting on the car

  2. Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Example : the raindrop or dewdrop...gravitational force is acting on it as well as the upthrust. but both forces are balanced and therefore it falls with constant velocity. Also a car moves with constant velocity very rarely as it is constantly accelerating or deaccelerating.For an object at rest, the table, chair are being acted by gravitional and upthrust and both forces are nullified!and therefore it is at rest and doesn't move till an external force is acted upon it.

  3. If u r asking of the 1st law of thermodynamics this is about conservayion of internal energy:


  4. It's applicable in any situation where the forces acting on an object are balanced such as in equilibrium (statics).  This is a neccesity in structural engineering and.

  5. Newton's first law of motion basically states that a particle will retain its velocity unless a force acts upon it. I'm not sure what kind of application you are looking for but here is an example.

    A person is sitting on a slide with very little friction. A force (gravity) will push him down the slide. If you are taking a physics class the second law is much more useful in solving problems than the first law.

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